“God blew and they were scattered” So what, now what?
If the defeat of the Armada was so successful why did the war continue until 1603?
The Triumph of Elizabeth 1563-1603 Elizabethan Government: court, ministers and parliament; factional rivalries How effectively did the Tudors restore and develop the powers of monarchy? In what ways and how effectively was England governed during this period? How did relations with foreign powers change and how was the succession secured? How far did intellectual and religious ideas change and develop and with what effects? How important was the role of key individuals and groups and how were they affected by developments?
Defending Against Internal and External Enemies, 1571–1588 the origins of war with Spain in 1585; the threat of foreign invasion and the defeat of the Armada What was the threat? How well was it defended?
The Triumph of Elizabeth? Armada but Becomes queen
Where were the main areas of war? Netherlands At sea In the New World France
If the defeat of Armada was so successful why did the war continue until 1603?
Dutch Revolt maps http://www.zum.de/whkmla/region/lowcountries/dutchrevolt.html
How successful was foreign policy 1588-1603? War with Spain Evidence of Success Evidence of Failure Overall Judgement /10 Netherlands At Sea/New World France Portugal Overall
Exam preparation To what extent did Elizabethan foreign policy achieve its objectives towards France in the year 1558-1603? What were the objectives – did they change over time – did they change as events changed Links to Scotland, religion Gather notes, must should coulds and produce something that includes to information that would answer the question Eg timelines, Mindmap/diagrams Chart – objectives/dates/success/failures/judgement
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7YBaiJMnik Tobacco