Law, Ethics, & Compliance 101 DIVINE ORDER: Part I Law, Ethics, & Compliance 101
What do law, ethics, or compliance issues have to do with my Youth Ministry anyways? Churches get sued, too. And you can also be individually named. Churches have a reputation to maintain. And so do you. We are called to spread the Gospel. We can’t fulfill our calling effectively if we are fighting battles based on illegal, unethical, or noncompliant conduct. We need to increasingly mindful that our conduct can have reputational and financial consequences. DIVINE ORDER
DIVINE ORDER Church disputes are a common occurrence. Disputes occur between members that are not always easily settled by discussion. Disputes are not always private; with social media, disputes can become public, which can present other issues. Disputes are not always between believers – unfortunately, not everyone views God’s Word as the final say in their lives. DIVINE ORDER
DIVINE ORDER Most common reaction: “Not my Church.” Response: “Correct. Everybody’s Church.” There are no exceptions.
Mommy Ibeji agrees to make food for youth weekend and gives a quote for $150. On the program date, she arrives with the food, but increases the price, saying that it cost her $200 more than she expected. What will you do? DIVINE ORDER Scenario #1
The Youth Ministry needs new microphones and Uncle Tayo, long-standing Church member, says that he can get the Youth Ministry a deal. Naturally, the Youth Ministry takes him up on the offer. The microphones have arrived and you find that none of them work. You tried talking to Uncle Tayo, but he has washed his hands of the situation. What will you do? DIVINE ORDER Scenario #2
DIVINE ORDER Scenario #3 One of your youth has a connection to a popular speaker. You’ve secured this speaker for your Youth Weekend. In the middle of his lecture, the speaker makes clear that he affirms homosexual relationships. You are sharing this lecture on Facebook Live. Additionally, to promote the Youth Weekend, you posted a clip on the Gram that your youth captured at a prior lecture. This speaker approaches you after the lecture and says no one asked his permission and that the clip was from a lecture that he specifically asked attendees not to record. What will you do? DIVINE ORDER Scenario #3
DIVINE ORDER All of them could have been avoided. What is the key takeaway to each of the scenarios? All of them could have been avoided. “Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build your house.” ~Proverbs 24:27 DIVINE ORDER
DIVINE ORDER Know your organization. Understand church operations generally. Churches are 501(c)(3) organizations. Such organizations are exempt from federal taxes if: Owned and operated exclusively for religious purposes; The net earnings do not exclusively benefit a private individual; There is no substantial activity dedicated to influencing legislation; There is no intervention in political campaigns; and The organization’s purposes are not illegal and do not violate public policy. Know specifics about how your church functions. DIVINE ORDER
DIVINE ORDER Develop a planning process. A complete planning process should include: Regular Youth Leader meetings; Delegation of responsibilities; Strategizing; Due diligence – research, research, research; and Consider these other tools: Annual Planning Meeting, Youth Leader Guidelines. Wise counsel – Prov. 24:6. DIVINE ORDER
DIVINE ORDER Use your resources. Take account of the resources you have, i.e. your congregation’s professional skills and talents. Make use of your resources at the right time. Identify knowledge gaps and develop a plan to fill them. DIVINE ORDER
DIVINE ORDER Manage and measure. Stay informed on what is happening in your Youth Ministry, with your youth, and with your Church. Set goals and evaluate your progress. If your process is working, your Youth Ministry will be increasingly refined. DIVINE ORDER
The Legal, Ethics, & Compliance Committee is here to help. We are your sounding board and we are here to encourage and ensure that your Youth Ministry is based on shrewd stewardship (Luke 16:1-9). DIVINE ORDER
Legal, Ethics & Compliance Committee QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? DIVINE ORDER