Final (?) line_0 configuration (follows steering group consideration 5/5/2004) Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

Final (?) line_0 configuration (follows steering group consideration 5/5/2004) Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004

Planning for Developments Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004

Line Zero Test Priorities EMC Cable and Leaks into LCMs (A) EMC faults in interfloor links: OTDR monitoring from shore & local attenuation monitoring (B) Leaks into LCM cylinders Current draw & Phase (MACCs+DSP @ shore station) Local leak detection ASSUMPTION: 2 STAGE DEPLOYMENT STRATEGY PROPOSED BY JEAN ROUX: OK Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004

Line-Zero Optical+ Environmental Measurements 25 Storeys : all mechanical elements final design All storeys consist of spheres weighted with old gel 2 storeys equipped with autonomous PC data acquisition systems from 2002 mechanical line test RS232 R/O, Batteries in LCM container Optical Loop 1: fibres linked in each storey and looped back on top to allow attenuation, OTDR testing from shore down DAQ Tx, Rx channels. Optical Loops 2.1, 2.2, 2.3: fibres linked in each storey and looped back on top to allow attenuation, testing using local optical power meter + Tinytag (battery, local memory): data read using RS32 using McCartney OM connector in LCM flange Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004

Line-Zero: Electrical/Leak Monitoring 25 Storeys : all mechanical elements final design All storeys consist of spheres weighted with old gel EMC conductors linked in each storey and looped back on top to allow capacitative current monitoring via power conductors from junction box. MACC sensors with DSP readout on shore. Local data loggers (“Tiny-tag” in OM spheres) to monitor leak Level in neighbouring LCM cylinder; readout via RS232 using McCartney OM connector in LCM flange 1 Tinytag in top LCM container monitoring electrical continuity readout via RS232 using McCartney OM connector in LCM flange   Piezo-sensors in spare laser-beacon container. (Erlangen Request) Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004

Genova Autonomous DAQs Equipped with SAFT, 130 Ah Lithium batteries in LCM container (OK for ~ 70 hours of continuous operation.) Switch on the system at the moment of 1st deployment; Download data at the moment of the recovery after 24 hours; Switch off the system to save power; Switch on again at the moment of the 2nd deployment  batteries exhausted. Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004

Suggestion for power test setup Transparency on data logging by Erik Heijne U (TGPR-0704 *) T,H (TGP-1500 *) Logging of voltage temperature humidity 3 times/h for 6mnth 500V~ JB LINE 0 *) 500V~ Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004

Conductors and Optical Fibres in the EMC Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004

Two fibre-optic test systems: OPM Two fibre-optic test systems: 3 Local optical power meters Combination of OPM and voltage-sensing Tinytag (synchronization a problem?) each OPM Uses 2 fibres in 1 of the 3 tubes (2) Remote optical power meter /OTDR DAQ Tx, Rx fibres from JB and IL spliced directly to fibres in EMC cable uses 4 or 5 fibres in each of the 3 tubes (1 fibre in EMC not tested) 2 fibre coils in SPM case, CLK1, CLK2 not looped back in SPM case (might affect CK needed for MILOM etc) Tube 1 Tube 2 Tube 3 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 OPM 100-200m fibre to distinguish from IL DAQ2 DAQ1 OPM Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004 OTDR OPM

Four Electrical leak Test systems: (1) Tinytags logging ingress sensors (2) Remote monitoring of capacitive current draw using MACC current sensor readout into DSP (3) Two wire conductive probes read out using DVM following phase (1) of line zero deployment placed at several levels in each LCM container Read through LCM OM connectors (4) Wristwatches placed at several levels in each LCM container 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Killed in steering group meeting 5/11/04 Killed in steering group meeting 5/11/04 40km COND 2 MACC Pilot card DSP PC 380V AC COND 1 Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004

Have become three electrical test systems: TT Have become three electrical test systems: (1) Tinytags logging ingress sensors (2) Remote monitoring of capacitive current draw using MACC current sensor readout into DSP (3) Two conductors used for a loopback test with Tinytag in top LCM monitoring continuity as Ohmmeter 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 COND 2 40km MACC Pilot card DSP PC R 380V AC COND 1 Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004

Breaker + MACC Rings, Boxes for Cards, Isothermal Plate Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004

Parsing Conversions for MACC Current Sensors Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004

Line zero component requirements 50 empty OM spheres (drilled for pump down port) 25 OM spheres drilled for pump down and penetrator (includes LCM OM sphere interlink cable) Old gel to duplicate full weight of storey (and hold Tinytags) 25 OMFs + 75 OM attachments + 25 LCM cylinders  Full EMC cable set for 1 line (12/04?) 26 Tinytags (leaks LCMs +SPM/SCM), + 1 Tinytag (line electrical continuity) + 3 Tinytag/OPM combinations (NIKHEF) Stand-alone DAQ systems (@ Genova) [sampling rate, parms monitored; %RH, tilt, acceleration, heading] BSS without SPM/SCM Empty laser beacon container for Erlangen 2 deadweights 380VAC from JB up EMC via new encapsulated ELCONs Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004

Things/Tests to do MACC sensitivity to capacitance changes in EMC using DSP need section of cable Tinytag input characteristics: suitable as ohm-meter NIKHEF why not 10kW NTC thermistor input as leak sensor? Software (Java) /Firmware (Pilot card) changes for reading of MACC at 2kHz into DSP and Junction box graphical user interface Stand-alone fibreoptic attenuation monitor (battery powered Optical power meter with local memory: NIKHEF) Stand-alone DAQ systems (@ Genova) [check-out, sampling rate change battery replacement] Tests of new encapsulated ELCONs Line Zero meeting, Nov 10 2004