Archdiocese New Leaders Learn How to Conduct a Formative Assessment of the Continuous School Improvement Plan Archdiocese New Leaders January 23, 2018 Dr. Jorge Peña Director of School Improvement and Catholic School Accreditation
Meeting Objectives Objective 1- Identify the purpose of school improvement Objective 2- Understand the key tasks in the formative assessment of the Continuous School Improvement Plan Objective 3- Review the diagnostic questions for the formative assessment of the Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP)
Leaders Inspire Action Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. James Baldwin Everyone thinks about changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Leo Tolstoy
Leaders Inspire Action People don’t buy what you do People buy “why” you do it Simon Sinek Ted Talk: How great leaders inspire action
Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle Why = The Purpose What is your cause? What do you believe? How = The Process Specific actions taken to realize the Why. What = The Result What do you do? The result of Why. Proof.
Why is it so important for me to assess our schools’ improvement efforts? Immaculate Conception/St. Joseph School Data Wise Coach for Middle School Math communication focus area: lowest performing skill on TerraNova Analysis of student work showed… Observing instruction showed.. Action plan: math journals Assessment plan: collect journals Adjusting the action plan: writing rubric Outcome?
Why is it so important for me to assess our schools’ improvement efforts? Believing ALL of our students can learn Understanding that our students lack skills, not intelligence By improving my practice, I become a better educator By improving our schools’ practices, schools get better
How do I do this? Learning never ends Committing to action….assessment…..and adjustment Believing in intentional collaboration Having a relentless focus on evidence
What do I do? I apply the learning from my master’s and doctoral degrees, and two certificates from Harvard By creating the Continuous School Improvement Plan process Organizing school improvement reviews Providing workshops on data analysis Serving as an AdvancED Lead Evaluator As a Harvard Data Wise Coach, mentoring a coach candidate in New York and one in Maryland, and AoC schools As a professor at Loyola University Chicago, teaching educators “foundations of using data for continuous improvement” and “leading for data-based decision making”
Characteristics of WHY It is your purpose in engaging others It is the rhyme, reason, and rationale for doing the work that you do It channels a story, a unique event that draws people in It involves being willing to communicate your “why” to multiple stakeholders It assumes that your leadership is rooted in storytelling, seizing opportunities to share stories, and building communities in which stories can be shared
Define your “Why” Prompt: Why is it so important for me to assess our schools’ improvement efforts? In eight minutes, respond to the prompt
Get Feedback on your “Why” Five Whys Protocol Root cause analysis type of protocol 2 minutes: speaking partner shares the “why” while listening partner actively listens 10 minutes: listening partner asks five questions. Rotate the protocol
Debrief SUMI Protocol What Surprised about your “why” and/or getting feedback about your “why”? What surprised you about giving feedback? How are you Understanding your “why”? What is Marinating for you? What is the Impact of knowing and communicating your “why”?
Know your Why Michael Jr When you know your “why,” your “what” has more impact and purpose
Leadership and Adaptive Challenges Adaptive work requires leading with a “why” a “purpose” The greatest challenge of leadership is treating an adaptive challenge like a technical one
A Metaphor from Bob Kegan Technical: IN-formation Adaptive: TRANS-formation Skill-set Shift Mindset Shift
Meeting Objectives Objective 1- Identify the purpose of school improvement Objective 2- Understand the key tasks in the formative assessment of the Continuous School Improvement Plan Objective 3- Review the diagnostic questions for the formative assessment of the Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP)
Key Task in the Formative Assessment of the Continuous School Improvement Pan Continuous Improvement Leadership Team Take an inquiry stance Which skills on the CSIP have been taught and assessed? What is the evidence that shows students are learning the skills identified on the CSIP?
Key Task in the Formative Assessment of the Continuous School Improvement Pan Continuous Improvement Leadership Team Take an inquiry stance Which skills on the CSIP have been taught and assessed? What is the evidence that shows students are learning the skills identified on the CSIP?
Student Proficiency Report
Student Proficiency Report
ACT Aspire Interim Monitoring Tool
ACT Aspire Interim Monitoring Tool
ACT Aspire Classroom Assessment(s)
ACT Aspire Classroom Assessment(s)
Key Tasks in the Formative Assessment of the CSIP
Key Tasks in the Formative Assessment of the CSIP Teacher teams collaborate to collect and analyze short-term data and medium-term data to evaluate the impact of the action plan on student learning
Key Tasks in the Formative Assessment of the CSIP Teacher teams compare short-term and medium- term assessment results to individual-level and group-level student learning goals. Compare student results to the learning target.
Key Tasks in the Formative Assessment of the CSIP Questions to respond to when analyzing tasks for short-term assessments: First: What is the actual work that students are being asked to do? Second: What do you have to know in order to engage the task? Third: What is the task’s Depth of Knowledge level? Fourth: What is the distribution of performance among students in the class on the task? Fifth: If you were a student and did the task, what would you know and be able to do?
Levels of Complexity: Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
Key Tasks in the Formative Assessment of the CSIP Teacher teams implement and assess the instructional strategies described in the action plan. Teacher teams use short-term and medium-term data to assess the impact of the action plan on student learning. Answer the question: Are these instructional strategies delivering the desired results? Teacher teams use data about implementation and student learning to make adjustments to instruction.
Are these instructional strategies delivering the desired results?
Are these instructional strategies delivering the desired results? Mother Teresa CSIP: Grade 3 reading Benchmark: 3.RL.IKI.9 Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters Strategy: “Does the story have to be set there, and then?” from Reading Strategies (Seravallo, page 151). Think about the setting of the story. Consider if the setting is just background, or does it play an important role in the story. One way to do this is to think, “If the story were set someplace else, or at a different time, how would the story be any different?” Then think, “Based on the setting the author has chosen, what impact does the setting have on the story?” Notice this strategy does not address themes. Are these instructional strategies delivering the desired results?
Are these instructional strategies delivering the desired results? Adjusting the strategy on the CSIP Identify a new strategy(ies) to teach the benchmark skill Better lessons: theme lesson
Notice and Wonder What do you notice about the key tasks? What do you wonder about the key tasks?
Meeting Objectives Objective 1- Identify the purpose of school improvement Objective 2- Understand the key tasks in the formative assessment of the Continuous School Improvement Plan Objective 3- Review the diagnostic questions for the formative assessment of the Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP)
Formative Assessment CSIP Diagnostic Questions How many of the skills on the CSIP have been taught and assessed? At the time of this formative assessment of the CSIP, what percent of students are proficient on each skill? How are teachers re-teaching the students that have yet to be proficient on these skills? How many skills on the CSIP have yet to be taught? When will teachers teach and assess the skills that have yet to be taught? Using the results from the ACT Aspire Interim Assessments, what percent of students are on-track to meet the “ready” benchmark score in reading and math?
Notice and Wonder What do you notice about the CSIP Diagnostic Questions? What do you wonder about the CSIP Diagnostic Questions?
Review Faculty Meeting Agenda Formative Assessment of Continuous School Improvement Plan
Next Steps Watch the webinar: conducting a formative assessment of the CSIP Click here to register for the webinar Click here to download webinar presentation Watch Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk: How great leaders inspire action Revise your “why” and define your “how” and “what” Meet with Continuous Improvement Leadership Team Which skills on the CSIP have been taught and assessed? What is the evidence that shows students are learning the skills identified on the CSIP? Facilitate meeting with faculty on conducting a formative assessment of the CSIPQuestions? Email:
The world is before you and you need not to take it or leave it as it was when you came in. James Baldwin