The Pathway of Breath Vocal Production
Inhalation Two Points of Entry Nasal Cavity Oral Cavity Photo Courtesy of: Nasal- Healthier for 3 Reasons : 1. Warmed 2. Moistened 3. Filtered Vegetative Breathing Oral- Used for speech Major Articulators located in oral cavity
The Breath Passes Into Pharynx Larynx Throat Voice Box Vocal Folds Photo Courtesy of: Larynx Feel the larynx – discuss parts Vocal Folds – housed inside the larynx
The Larynx In Action Medical view -
Four Singers! Four Singers -
Diaphragmatic Breathing The natural breathing technique is called diaphragmatic breathing (stomach breathing). We automatically breath this way when we are born. Diaphragmatic breathing uses the diaphragm muscle ( a strong dome shaped muscle) located under our ribs and above our stomach. When we breath in, we push the muscle down, and our stomach moves forward. When we breath out, the diaphragmatic muscle moves back to resting position and our tummy moves back in. There is little or no upper chest movement.
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The Trachea Windpipe Bifurcates Into 4 to 5 Inch Tube Left and Right Bronchi Picture Courtesy of:
The Lungs Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli Picture Courtesy of:
Exhalation Reverse the cycle: Alveoli Bronchioles Bronchi Trachea Larynx Voice Production Pharynx Oral or Nasal Cavity