Describe this picture without using any of the following words: Apple Fruit Red Juicy Crunchy
Writing to Describe LO To identify features of writing to describe. To be able to write to describe.
Writing to Describe Effective writing makes you feel almost as if you're 'there’. Use the 5 senses. N.B. You are writing to describe; you are not telling a story.
How to approach your description What does it look like? What does it sound like? What does it feel like? What does it taste like? What does it smell like?
Show, don’t tell Tell: He was tired. Show: His mouth stretched into a wide yawn as he struggled to focus on the screen in front of him. Tell: She was happy. Show: Her eyes gleamed as she stared back at him. Her mouth began to crinkle at the edges before breaking into a huge grin.
Remember to use the 5 senses. Show, don’t tell I was hungry. My stomach, an empty balloon, growled loudly in the silence. She was scared. It was raining. Remember to use the 5 senses.
Imagine you are on the ground here; describe the scene. Saw: Touched: Tasted: Smelt: Heard: Simile/metaphor: Personification:
Past exam questions. Describe the view from your bedroom window. Describe your home. Describe a nightmare world. Describe a place that is special to you. Describe a town at night. Describe a visit to the doctor or dentist.
What you need to do for a Level 5 Level 7 Interesting vocabulary. A range of punctuation, used mostly accurately. Writing uses the correct audience and purpose. Organisation is secure. Level 7 Detailed, precise vocabulary. Accurate, expressive use of the full punctuation range. Writing is sharply focused on the intended audience, and the purpose is clear and handled accurately. Organisation helps shape meaning and guide reader.
Choose one of the questions below and write your answer. Describe the view from your bedroom window. Describe your home. Describe a nightmare world. Describe a place that is special to you. Describe a town at night. Describe a visit to the doctor or dentist.
Plenary Which writing style do you most enjoy writing in? Which writing style do you find easiest? Name one piece of punctuation you are going to try to use more often.