WASC FOCUS MTG #2 South East Senior High School Accreditation Process Year 2 of 6 WASC Focus Meeting #2 October 27, 2016
GROUNDING What is needed for academic growth? Time: 1-3 min Strategy: Think/Pair/Share Time: 1-3 min
PURPOSE: OUTCOME: To review Critical Areas for Follow-Up To understand, have an awareness and continue implementing the Critical Areas for Follow-Up Time: 1-2 min
Awareness of Critical Areas for Follow-Up: SEHS needs to use checking for understanding strategies and techniques as a formative assessment tool to ensure student mastery of the lesson content. SEHS needs to ensure that the Severe SWD (Students With Disabilities) population is actively engaged in the daily lessons while in attendance in their general education courses. SEHS needs to develop CTE (Career and Technology Education) pathways to meet the needs of all students as identified by the Common Core Standards. SEHS needs to develop a school-wide instructional differentiation plan that promotes universal access to a rigorous and relevant curriculum. SEHS needs to analyze student achievement data to make informed decisions that pertain to curriculum, instruction and assessments to improve student mastery of the course content. Time: 5 Read in silence WASC Visiting Committee recommended
SAY/MEAN/MATTER Group Charting Activity What do the Areas for Follow-Up…. SAY: Groups paraphrase the Area for Follow-Up MEAN: What are some actions our shareholders are implementing in order to address this Area for Follow-Up? MATTER: How does this Area for Follow-Up relate to our Instructional Plan, PRIDE, HOM? GALLERY WALK: GROUP SHARE OUT: 1-2 Comments Time: 15-20 min Strategy: Count 1-5 for every participant until every person is assigned a # Have #1s sit together #2s etc... Each group charts SAY/MEAN/MATTER for critical areas for growth Gallery Walk Share Out 1-2 comments For question 2, ensure that an elective teacher attempts to give feedback on this area for follow-up
Through WASC PRIDE was developed, HOM is part of REED, but all are integrated and part of our Instructional Plan to meet the recommendations of WASC
Instructional Plan WASC - Western Association of Schools and Colleges SPSA - Single Plan for Student Achievement RWAC - Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum ELD -English Language Development SWOG-School Wide Observable Goal CORE- (Fed Govt waiver- 7 california districts design the activities for reform) California Office to Reform Education-Lincoln HS Partnership is one component. Instructional Plan
WASC VISIT will be in SPRING 2018 We are in year 2 of a 6-year cycle. WASC will be visiting year 3, in the SPRING of 2018. SEHS’ 6-YEAR CYCLE of ongoing improvement Time: 1-2 min
WASC TIMELINE: Semester 1: Meeting Dates: Semester 2: Meeting #1 - Introduction to WASC Sept. 29th Meeting #2 - Review Critical Areas for Follow-Up Oct. 27th Meeting #3 - Review CANs - Action Plan Nov. 17th (Critical Areas of Need) Semester 2: Begin reviewing data for Chapters 1-5 Meeting #4 Feb. 16th Meeting #5 March 30th Meeting #6 April 27th Time: 1-2 min
REMINDERS: PD Banked Day-Nov. 1st Department Chair Meeting-Nov. 7th SS Lead Meeting-Nov. 9th 15 Week Grades Due-Nov. 10th Veteran’s Day (No School)-Nov. 11th WASC Meeting #3 - Nov. 17th Thanksgiving Break Nov. 21-25 PD Banked Day-Nov. 29 Faculty Meeting-Nov. 29 Time: 1-2 min
http://today.io/1jjX2 What do you take away from today’s meeting? Strategy: Exit Ticket … click on the link and leave your response