Monday May 12, 2014 WW II Propaganda Notes
Purpose WII propaganda had many purposes during the war. They demonized the enemy. Encouraged viewers to have the views their government wanted them to have. Also helped to relieve the tension of the War. All sides used propaganda.
Activity Look at the WWII poster. What message is it trying to send? Who is the message intended for?
Women During the war, many women wanted to do something for their country. Many women enrolled in the army to become a nurse.
Motivation There were many propaganda posters motivating people to join the army and support the country.
Keep Quiet The army didn’t want anyone talking about the information in the war because they didn’t want anyone to know what was really going on. They didn’t want people to leak any secrets we had and tell Germany.
Herman “Fatso” Goering Hitler’s appointed successor. Commander of the German Air Force. Nazi officer used in Propaganda films. Portrayed as fat, with a ridiculous number of medals on his chest.
Herr meets Hare Cartoon that puts Bugs Bunny in Germany. Made fun of Hitler and Herman “Fatso” Goering.
Der Fuehrer’s Face Cartoon Put Donald Duck in Nazi controlled territory. Mocked the Nazi party. Made people remember freedoms they may have taken for granted.
Popular Comics and Propaganda Even popular comics of the time had propaganda that was put out.
German Propaganda against the Jews The Germans also used propaganda to further their agenda. Much of their propaganda made the Jews out to be evil.