Learning Objective To understand and apply methods of film promotion
Film Promotion Promotion: to publicise a product so as to increase sales or public awareness Distributors spend a lot of money on promotion to persuade people to watch the film in the cinema. Compile a list of as many ways to promote a film.
Film Promotion Methods Which of these methods have been traditional ways to promote a film and which are new? Posters Billboards – print and electronic Print advert in newspapers/magazines Film Promotion Methods Press junket (TV/print/radios interviews) Premieres Use of social media Phone app Radio advert Traditional are all in white boxes Creation of a website Promotional events/stunt e.g. Romantic relationship rumours between lead cast Tie-ins with products (Skyfall and Coca-Cola) Television/cinema trailers
Designing a Promotional Campaign In groups, create a promotional campaign for one of these films. Each member of the group is in charge of designing and creating one promotional method. Campaigns need to include a range of traditional and new methods.
Pros and Cons of Promotional Methods Print advert in newspapers/magazines Posters Radio advert Television/cinema trailers Creation of a website Tie-ins with products e.g Skyfall and Coca-Cola Premieres Press junket (TV/print/radios interviews) Billboards – print and electronic Use of social media Promotional events/stunt (Romantic relationship rumours between lead cast)
Home Learning Due next lesson Decide the genre you would like to analyse (action adventure or rom com) From your chosen genre pick a film you’d like to analyse, and research the following: The synopsis for the film Who are the main actors and how successful have they been at the box office? Due next lesson