Electromagnetic Waves
Electromagnetic Waves – waves that DO NOT need a medium to travel and carry energy; they can travel through a vacuum (empty space) Examples of EM waves: Radio waves – GPS, MRI, RADAR Microwaves – heating up food Infrared waves – heat lamps, warmth Visible Light – what we can see Ultraviolet rays (UV) – causes cancer and vitamin D X-rays – too much exposure can cause cancer Gamma rays – radiation, hulk, nuclear weapons
EM Waves ALL EM waves travel at the speed of light (VERY FAST) which is 3 x 108 [m/s] (300,000,000 [m/s]) or 671,224,363 mph. At this speed, they can travel around the world 8 times in one second
EM Spectrum EM Spectrum – range of EM waves from low to high frequency
EM Spectrum
Longest wavelength Lowest frequency EM Spectrum Longest wavelength Lowest frequency Shortest wavelength Highest frequency
Visible Light Visible Light – The part of the EM spectrum that humans can see; from 700 [nm] to 390 [nm]
Long wavelength Low frequency Low energy COLD R O Y G B I V Long wavelength Low frequency Low energy COLD Short wavelength High frequency High energy HOT
R O Y G B I V The color you see is the wavelength that is reflected while all other color wavelengths are absorbed EX: If you see green, that means green is reflected and all other colors are absorbed – plants have chlorophyll
COLOR When all the colors of the rainbow are combined, we do not see any particular color, we just see light without any color. We call this combination of all the colors of light "white light".
COLOR To see colors, white light shines on an object, and the object absorbs all of the wavelengths of light it wants. The object then reflects all of the other wavelengths it can’t use. Our eyes see the reflected wavelengths and converts them to color.
COLOR If all of the wavelengths of visible light are absorbed by the object, we see BLACK. Black is not a color, it is the absence of color.
Why are plants green? Plants absorb energy from light and convert it to chemical energy in the form of sugar (food for the plant). Chlorophyll is an important molecule that absorbs blue and red light, and reflects green light.
Chlorophyll Chlorophyll a is the main pigment in plants. It absorbs light mainly in the red and blue regions of the spectrum. Chlorophyll b, xanthophyll and carotene are 'accessory pigments'. They absorb light from other regions of the spectrum and pass the energy onto chlorophyll a.
Sound Waves
Check This Out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3oItpVa9fs
Mechanical Waves Mechanical Waves – waves that need a medium to transport energy and travel through EX: Sound, Water, Seismic
Acoustic Waves Acoustic Waves – also known as sound waves Vacuum – No matter exists; empty space where mechanical waves cannot travel
Interacting Particles In a sound wave, air particles interact with each other In a slinky wave, coils interact with each other In a stadium wave, the fans interact with each other
More dense = Faster speed Speed of Sound Medium Speed Solid Fast Liquid Gas (Air) Slow Vacuum None More dense = Faster speed
Speed of Sound As air temperature ↑, the speed of sound ↑
Pitch Pitch – how high or low a sound seems to be –generated by the frequency of the wave
Amplitude Amplitude – loudness of the sound (volume control)
How Sound is Created Sound (human voice) is created by the vibrations in the vocal cords Human Audio Frequency
Doppler Effect Doppler Effect – the change in frequency and wavelength due to the motion of the source
Doppler Effect Imagine a bug jiggling its legs and bobbing up and down in the middle of a quiet puddle If the bug bobs in the water at a constant frequency, the wavelength will be the same for all successive waves The wave frequency is the same as the bug’s bobbing frequency
Doppler Effect Each wave crest has a shorter distance to travel so they arrive more frequently The bug maintains the same bobbing frequency as before However, an observer at B would encounter a higher frequency if the bug is moving toward the observer Each crest has to travel farther than the one ahead of it due to the bug’s motion
Doppler Effect
Faster because it’s a liquid compared to a gas Question Is the speed of sound faster or slower in water compared to its speed in air? Faster because it’s a liquid compared to a gas