Kathleen, Krystal, Carol, Abby Solution Fluency
Sustainable development Goals #4 Education
Our solution fluency project What is our goal for this project? Our goal for this project is to find a problem in the world that is affecting multiple people and try to find a solution. While talking with Saul we learned how difficult his living situation must be and so many others go through the same problem. Education is very important for students everywhere across the world and our goal is to help them get a proper education using the right tools. For this solution fluency project, we will be asking riverside secondary school students to donate school supplies that they dont use, such as: pencils, paper, notebooks, pens, crayons, etc. If we receive enough donations, we will ship the supplies to places in need and hopefully it will help them get on the right path for a proper education.
Define dream deliver debrief Many quality in poor living situations are not able to get quality education and many not be able to afford school supplies. It prevents them from getting good jobs in the future. Dream: Our dream is to get as many people as possible to donate money or school supplies so we can send it over to people in need. We want to help as many kids as possible to reach their goals and get their dream jobs without the lack of school supplies preventing them from doing so. Deliver: In order to complete our goal, we will start by raising awareness in our RAP classrooms and ask if the students could try bringing any sort of donation for school supplies or old books and pens they dont use. If we get enough donations to move forward we can begin shipping the supplies to the countries we found needed the most. Debrief: If the process goes well hopefully we can raise enough donations to send to places in need. We think that this goal is very important for children with a lack of education, because proper education is extremely important for children to use in the future and by sending these supplies we could help them achieve those future goals.
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