Subtitle placeholder – click to edit master subtitle MESH – 2nd Meeting Wolfgang Bittermann Directorate Spatial Statistics Madrid 4 May 2012 Subtitle placeholder – click to edit master subtitle
General remarks In general repetitions are ok but under the impression of the extensive overlaps in the chapter proposals we should think about a restructuring: e.g. 5c & 6, 4 & 10 I don‘t think a restucturing is absolutely necessary but than we have to find possibilities to avoid duplications by streamlining the chapters. A general overview on data needs for different reporting obligations in a table format would be very helpful, because it‘s difficult to be aware of all these obligations. This could also assist the definition of satisfying (= good) and minimum data availability as proposed in the table in chapter 4.
CHAPTER 1 or 3: Who needs which data for which purpose Data needs/Reporting obligation Energy Statistics Regulation EPB Directive EE Directive RES Directive Housing Stock Characteristics Ownership type, dwelling type, age, insulation, surface heated / air-conditioned Household characteristics Household size, income, intensity of occupation of the dwelling Consumption / expenditure of energy commodities Consumption and associated cost per type of energy commodity Space Heating Main/supplementary space heating system: fuel type, type of heating equipment, age of equipment Availability and type of temperature control instruments (thermostats) Hot Water Water heating equipment: fuel type, tank size, age Cooking Cooking equipment: fuel type, equipment type, age Electrical appliances Availability of electrical appliances: type, number, age Air conditioning Air conditioning equipment: type, age Penetration of Energy efficiency Technologies labelled equipment by appliance type, high efficiency condensing boilers, high efficiency lamps Retrofitting in view of improved energy saving: dwelling, heating / air-conditioning equipment Energy service demand Intensity of use of heating, air conditioning; heating and cooling setpoints (thermostats) Penetration of renewable Energy Sources Solar panels (surface, power, type), biomass (by type), heat pumps (type/power, electricity consumption) Energy consumption by end-use Based on modelling: space heating, water heating, cooking, space cooling, lighting and electrical appliances
Chapter 2 or 3: Where are the bounderies? Mobility Outdoor recreation activities (mainly in gardens) Swimming pool?, lawn mowing?, outdoor heaters? Second home Mobile home Main residence Space heating Water heating Cooking Other (electricity only?) Private vs. Economic consumption
At least 5 possibilities Main residence and dwelling bound consumption only Main + second home and dwelling bound consumption only Dwelling bound + Outdoor consumption Dwelling bound + mobility consumption Overall consumption
Need of clear definitions Is swimming pool heating water heating or other purposes? Is lawn-mowing mobility or other purposes? Are outdoor heaters space heating or other purposes? How to seperate economic activities and private consumption in case of freelancers working at home?