Aim: What are the major beliefs and customs of the Islamic faith? Unit Essential Question: Who was Muhammad, and how did his teachings lead to the rise and spread of Islam? Aim: What are the major beliefs and customs of the Islamic faith? Do Now: Islam Pretest
Arabian Peninsula Physical Features: Mostly desert Farming 1. Irrigation 2. Scattered Oases *Oasis = fertile area in a desert, watered by a natural well or spring How does this physical layout of the land effect the people of this region? Oases = plural for Oasis
Origins of Islam Way of Life Sedentary Settled tribes Near oases/coasts Souk: market where nomads and townspeople traded for things they needed.
Muhammad Biography & Questions The Prophet Worksheet Muhammad Biography & Questions Calligraphic Symbol for Muhammad = No pictures of him
Teachings of Islam Qu’ran Sacred text of Islam Final authority on all matters Divided into chapters = Suras chapters= Meccan and Medinan suras (location of the revelation – before of after the hijra) Vary in length = shortest has 3 verses longest has 286
Teachings of Islam Five Pillars of Islam All Muslims must accept 5 basic duties Pilgrimage Pray 5xs a day facing Mecca Fasting Declaration of one faith charity Jihad – effort in God’s service Mistaken as ‘holy war’ Shahadah: sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of faith Salat: performing ritual prayers in the proper way five times each day Zakat: paying an alms (or charity) tax to benefit the poor and the needy Sawm: fasting during the month of Ramadan Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca
Way of Life Islam is both a religion and a way of life Sharia – Islamic system of law Moral code &religious law Regulates: Moral conduct Family life Business practices Government Applies the Qu’ran to all legal situations
30 Days: Muslims and America
AIM: What was the Muslim world like in the 1320s? DO NOW: Student Survey
What happens when Muhammad dies in 632? By 750 CE, stretched across the Middle East, North Africa and into Spain Largest empire ever up to that point More than twice as large as the Roman Empire Trade, Treaty and War
The Travels of Ibn Battuta 1325–1354 CE
13th century image of pilgrims on a Haj Ibn Battuta Image retrieved from Ibin Batoota 13th century image of pilgrims on a Haj
1904 printing of Ibn Battuta’s Rihla The Rihla Image adapted from Rihla - thrilla 1904 printing of Ibn Battuta’s Rihla
Let’s Summarize..
Aim: How do we self-assess our DBQ essays to improve our skills? Do Now: Which part of the DBQ essay was the most difficult for you?