Lesson Starter A The diagram shows the breathing system: -What is label A pointing to? - What is label B pointing to? 2. Describe the alveoli 3. What gas is breathed in? 4. What gas is breathed out? B
To learn about the circulatory system Learning Intention To learn about the circulatory system
The Heart What is the heart made of? What is the job of the heart? What is carried in the blood? What type of cell carries oxygen? What other types of cell are there in the blood?
The Heart (DISSECTION) https://www.twig-world.com/experiment/dissection-heart-4179/0 The heart has 4 chambers:- where are the atrium and where are the ventricles? Which ventricle is bigger and why? What is the name of the largest artery? What is the job of the valves? Which side of the heart pumps oxygenated blood? Which side of the heart pumps deoxygenated blood?
The Heart 4 chambers- left and right atrium and ventricle Blood from lungs enters LEFT HAND SIDE LHS is bigger and stronger- pumps oxygenated blood round body RBC carry oxygen to body Returns and enters RIGHT HAND SIDE of heart RHS pumps blood to LUNGS
Work in pairs to label the heart and fill in the questions. Task Work in pairs to label the heart and fill in the questions. The heart is made of __________ The function of the heart is to:___________ There are _________ chambers of the heart called the: -Right_________, - Left _________, –Right_________, -Left ________ The muscle on the _________ side of the heart is thicker because it has to pump the blood around the body. The ________ side of the heart is thinner as the blood is only being pumped to the lungs.
Blood Vessels Blood transported round the body Tubes- Blood vessels 3 types: Artery, Vein, Capillary
Arteries Carry Blood AWAY from the heart (always oxygenated apart from the pulmonary artery which goes to the lungs) Thick elastic walls, small passageways- withstand high pressure Pulsate Deep in body- protect them
Veins Carry blood BACK to the heart (always de-oxygenated apart from the pulmonary vein which goes from the lungs to the heart) Thin walled Large internal passageways, Low pressure, – so low it needs valves One way system- valves
Capillaries Tiny Walls only one cell thick Permeable (unlike arteries and valves) Diffusion of useful substances eg gas exchange
Task Work in pairs to complete the card sort on the 3 blood vessels (Name, Diagram and function). Check you have sorted correctly Copy the information from your cards into the table in your workbook
Choose a picture and explain how it relates to what you have learnt today