Student Emergency Cards Please fill-out your child’s media form and parent authorization form. Lastly, if you would please look over your child’s Emergency Card, and make any changes to it. You may leave all 3 of these forms on your child’s desk. We will get started in a few minutes.
Welcome/Introduction Mr. Trzasko’s Classroom—Room 206
Curriculum Overview--Math MATH (based on the Common Core Standards) Place Value (whole numbers and decimals) Addition/Subtraction (decimals and fractions) Multiplication (whole numbers, decimals, and fractions) Division (simple division, fractions, decimals) Measurement, Volume, Geometry, Graphing Take the Math M-STEP in April ess.pdf
Math Review 5th year of Math Series called BRIDGES. Involves MANY teacher directions/lessons/hands-on practice. Attendance is critical to your child’s success with this program since there is not a student textbook. There are 8 Units with this program and a daily Math Calendar activity. Mad Minute Multiplication Facts will begin in September and run through December.
Curriculum Overview--ELA ELA (Reading/Writing) Based on Common Core Standards Reading/Writing = No More Letter Grades 2nd year of our ELA program—JOURNEYS Will encompass a series of areas devoted to improving your child’s reading/writing skill set Areas include: Topic for Discussion, Essential Questions, Targeted Vocabulary/Skill/Strategy, Grammar Involves MANY teacher directions/lessons/hands-on practice. Attendance is critical to your child’s success with this program since there is not a student textbook. Take the ELA M-STEP in April t_success.pdf
Curriculum Overview—Social Studies 5th year for S.S. textbook (TCI: S.S. Alive!) Overview of American History from Native Americans through the Bill of Rights African Culture before the 16th Century Declaration of Independence/The Constitution Geography Skills Students will take the S.S. M-STEP in April
Curriculum Overview--Science Taught by Mrs. Cicchini as part of a rotation. Life Science (Adaptations/Human Body) Earth’s Science/Space Physical Science Last year: Students piloted the Science M-STEP in April. We’re not sure if this pertains to this year. Mrs. Cicchini’s contact information is:
Science/Social Studies Rotations Science Content taught: November & December April through June Social Studies Content Taught: September & October January through March (This allows us to complete the entire S.S. curriculum prior to taking the M-STEP in April)
Daily Routine Agendas (Please check them daily and sign)
Daily Routine (continued) 5th Grade Schedule for 2018-2019 8:33-9:36 Specials Schedule 9:36-10:09 Multi-Tiered Support System 10:10-10:30 Morning Work/Number Corner 10:30-11:50 [tentatively] ELA block (Journeys) 11:50-12:12 Recess 12:12-12:42 Lunch 12:42-2:45 [tentatively] Science/S.S/Math 3:06 Safeties leave for their jobs 3:18 Dismissal for 5th graders Monday: Science Tuesday: Gym (remember your gym shoes) Wednesday: Music Thursday: Art Friday: Rotation
Classroom Management Plan Classroom Rules & Consequences (Both Positive and Negative) Ojibwa Expectations (following the 3 Hoots: SAFE, RESPONSIBLE, RESPECTFUL) Trzasko Bucks Prize Donations are gladly accepted
Assignment Policy Missing Homework—Work not completed on-time will be notated in your child’s agenda by circling the missing or unfinished assignment and writing “Incomplete Assignment” next to it. Once completed, shown to you, and turned in, your child’s grade for that assignment will follow the grading below. 1 day late= assignment goes down by 1 full grade 2 days late= assignment goes down to a 50% 3 or more days late= No credit given for the assignment Math daily assignments will be given 100% for completion.
Assignment Policy Home Connections book will be sent home soon. This is optional to complete based upon your child’s time/commitments. Assignment due dates and page numbers will be found for the week at the top of the AGENDA. Students that complete the Home Connections will be rewarded with Hoot tickets, Trzasko bucks, etc.
Assignment Policy (con’t) No Name Papers (September is a free month for your child to remember to place their name on their work again). After September, any paper turned in will be placed in the NO NAME Box and their number will be placed on the Missing Assignment board. If the assignment is found on the same day it was placed in the box, no penalty will be given. If the assignment is found after the day it was placed in the NO NAME Box, then I will use the same criteria for grading that I use for Missing Assignments. 1 day in the NO NAME Box= Work goes down 1 grade. 2 days in the NO NAME Box= Work goes down to a 50% 3 days in the NO NAME Box= Work is given No Credit (0%)
Assignment Policy (con’t) Test Taking in Mr. Trzasko’s Class I firmly believe students should have a quiet environment when taking tests or quizzes in my class. If a student chooses to break this rule, they will: 1) retake the test on their next recess. 2) have a note sent home to their parent to inform them of the choice the student made.
Parent Communication Classroom Website: Found on Ojibwa’s Website under Staff Directory, or at:
Sign-Up sheets Remind Birthday Sign-Up Party Sign-Up Criminal Background Check forms on the back table Walk for FUNds volunteers Safety Belts/Sign-Out 81010 @trzas
Presidential Academic Award Below is the criteria for this award at the end of 5th grade BOTH 4th and 5th grade report cards must meet this criteria for your child to be a recipient. 1. All “A’s” in academic subject areas (Math, Social Studies & Science) 2. An “ES” or “MS” in Reading 3. An “ES” or “MS” in Habits for a Successful Learner
Student Emergency Cards Reminder Please make any changes to your child’s emergency card and then kindly leave them, as well as their media release form & their emergency school closure form on their desk. Thank you!