Cara Maddison Specialist Occupational Therapist How meaningful is an occupational focused outcome measure to young people accessing occupational therapy group work in a Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service Cara Maddison Specialist Occupational Therapist Professor Susan Corr
Background Mental health problems affect (Green et al 2004) Need to build up EVIDENCE BASE (Doh 2015) Outcome measures = Tool to do this (Unsworth 2011) Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) (Law et al 2005)
Literature review Outcome measures need to be BENIFICIAL & MEANINGFUL (Fuller 2011) Previous Research focused on; - Therapist view of COPM - Service users views Sparse - No Studies young people in CAMHS
MEANINGFUL & USEFUL to therapeutic Process Aims of project Understand how MEANINGFUL & USEFUL to therapeutic Process VOICE I think.. And if and where changes needed to be made.
Semi Structured interviews METHODOLOGY Qualitative approach Purposive Sample Semi Structured interviews 5 young people Thematic Analysis
Results COPM Process New & Unfamiliar Initial reservations ↓ Goal setting experience Purpose & Direction Personal achievement Resilience
Conclusion / Implications COPM – Valued & Positive Experience to other groups Systematic approach Demonstrate effectiveness Informed goal setting ↑
Thank you for listening Some questions ? Contact details Cara Maddison Specialist Occupational Therapist 07818454624 /0116 2952971