VTEX Commerce Canvas The canvas was created by VTEX Customer Success Team to guide Business Review Meetings with our customers. With this framework at hand, we can understand ecommerce’s current state and decide on future goals. The strategies and tactics are defined according to these pre-established priorities.
REVENUE GROWTH GOAL: ACTUAL REVENUE GROWTH: CUSTOMER ACQUISITION SHOPPING EXPERIENCE POST PURCHASE Awareness Consideration Activation Exploration Decision MOP Order Delivery Customer Service CUSTOMER RETENTION Content Loyalty Reactivation New Users Churn Sessions Bounce Add to Cart Conversion %Canceled Delivered Time NPS METRICS PROJECTS STRATEGY
CUSTOMER ACQUISITION METRICS PROJECTS STRATEGY REVENUE GROWTH GOAL: ACTUAL REVENUE GROWTH: CUSTOMER ACQUISITION SHOPPING EXPERIENCE POST PURCHASE Awareness Consideration Activation Exploration Decision MOP Order Delivery Customer Service Strategies for your customers to know you have a digital operation. Strategies for your brand to be considered for purchase. Usually communications on category level. Strategies for a specific product sale. Usually communications on product level. At the landing page give options so customer can explore store’s assortment with banners, menu, and search bar. When customers find what they want, you should give them information about the product, shipping policy, and return policy, in order to push them to checkout At Moment of Purchase, you need to have a frictionless checkout with a whole bunch of shipping and payment options in order to achieve higher conversion rates. You can have strategies like same day delivery process, ship from store, ATP (available to promise) and many other options. You must have different carriers with different service levels, varying on cost and delivery time. Pickup Points and tracking are important strategies too. You can offer free returns, different channels to answer customer inquiries, change order automation and much more. CUSTOMER RETENTION Content Loyalty Reactivation Keep brand awareness on recurring users and expand SEO traffic. Recommend complementary and replacement products. Also, explore Loyalty and Rewards programs When users do not reach the expected purchase frequency, implement strategies to reactivate them New Users Churn Sessions Bounce Add to Cart Conversion %Canceled Delivered Time NPS Traffic can be generated by making campaigns focused on new and recurring users. In this space fill out Customer Acquisition Strategies and Customer Retention Strategies that are already in place. TRAFFIC GENERATION When customers land at your store, they need to be guided and given sufficient information to make an informed decision. The purchase needs to be frictionless for higher conversion. SALES GENERATION Now the product has been sold, it’s time to deliver. Quality, agility and an excellent Customer Service is a must. In this space fill out fulfillment, carrier and customer service strategies. ORDER DELIVERY METRICS PROJECTS STRATEGY
Operational Recommendations Once we’ve filled ecommerce canvas, it’s time to define strategies to achieve revenue growth goal. If you want to achieve 50% you must define a consistent strategy. DEFINING STRATEGIES Operational Recommendations Strategies are implemented trough one ore more projects. Projects, when implemented, must result in a metric improvement, new feature or new process. DEFINING PROJECTS Sometimes we have a feature or process that should be improved. That’s an opportunity for an operational recommendation, that must result too on a metric improvement. WORKING WITH METRICS
REVENUE GROWTH GOAL: 50% ACTUAL REVENUE GROWTH: 57% Example CUSTOMER ACQUISITION SHOPPING EXPERIENCE POST PURCHASE Awareness Consideration Activation Exploration Decision MOP Order Delivery Customer Service Physical Store Cooking blogs email facebook email facebook Omnilogic Search Categories Menu Recipe Menu Recommendations Meal Estimate Saved Money Saved Time Beautiful Photos Nutrition Value Receipts Shipping Costs Fraud Check Credit Card Pay on delivery Vegetables Subscription Central Warehouse Home Delivery First Party Ops Phone Chat Social Networks Bot Email Free Returns CUSTOMER RETENTION Content Loyalty Reactivation Recipe blog Nutrition Content Weekly Vegetables Free Shipping New Users Churn Sessions Bounce Add to Cart Conversion %Canceled Delivered Time NPS 130% 70% 40% 35% -50% 1.5% 10% 90% 89 METRICS Operation: Desktop Sessions Ship from Store PROJECTS InStore Pickup STRATEGY Operation: Grow Sessions Omnichannel
GROWTH PLAN EXECUTION When Growth Plan is executed, the results must reflect on Canvas. Projects must be written on the respective area and metric improvement must be observed. Operational recommendations, when implemented won't be written on canvas, since the process or feature is already in place. On next page we can see our example after growth plan execution. Projects, are now part of canvas. When analyzing the metrics we can see that the % of orders canceled reduced 20% percent but conversion didn’t improve with pickup point implementation, as expected. Sessions, in green, have grown, but we don’t have to write it down on canvas, since the result was achieved by an operational improvement on Facebook and email campaigns focused on desktop devices.
Operation: Grow Sessions REVENUE GROWTH GOAL: 50% ACTUAL REVENUE GROWTH: 70% Example CUSTOMER ACQUISITION SHOPPING EXPERIENCE POST PURCHASE Awareness Consideration Activation Exploration Decision MOP Order Delivery Customer Service Physical Store Cooking blogs email facebook email facebook Omnilogic Search Categories Menu Recipe Menu Recommendations Meal Estimate Saved Money Saved Time Beautiful Photos Nutrition Value Receipts Shipping Costs Fraud Check Credit Card Pay on delivery Vegetables Subscription Central Warehouse Home Delivery First Party Ops Phone Chat Social Networks Bot Email Free Returns Ship from Store CUSTOMER RETENTION InStore Pickup Content Loyalty Reactivation Recipe blog Nutrition Content Weekly Vegetables Free Shipping New Users Churn Sessions Bounce Add to Cart Conversion %Canceled Delivered Time NPS 130% 70% 70% 35% -50% 1.5% 7% 90% 89 METRICS PROJECTS STRATEGY Operation: Grow Sessions Omnichannel
About Customer Success Team We invite you to challenge the future and create new perspectives with the VTEX Commerce platform. We are focused on understanding our customer’s ecommerce framework, goals, strategies, and projects to achieve his annual objectives. Based on programmatic Business Review Meetings, we co-create a Year Playbook with Operational and Project Recommendations to drive Revenue growth and increase Engagement Score.