Human Reproductive Systems Our species lives on…….you must reproduce to continue the species I can: 1) Draw & label the structures of the male and female reproductive systems 2) Explain the function of each major structure of the male and female reproductive system
Male Sexual Development Testosterone is the male reproductive hormone Secreted in small amounts until puberty Puberty begins when: Hypothalamus → Pituitary → increased FSH and LH→ GONADS (TESTES) GONADS → TESTOSTERONE Testosterone produces male 2ndary sex characteristics Ex. body hair, muscle development, deep voice 2017 Reproduction -SMP
Male Reproductive Parts Testes: Male reproductive gland Sperm and testosterone produced Scrotum: Protective sac around testes Keeps testes cool (this keeps the sperm at an optimum temperature for development Epididymis: Stores sperm while they mature Vas Deferens: Tube that carries sperm from epididymis to urethra Vasectomy - procedure that prevents sperm from exiting the body
tube through the penis carrying sperm to the outside of the body Prostate gland -- the largest of several glands which add lubricating and other fluids to the sperm Urethra: tube through the penis carrying sperm to the outside of the body Other glands work together to produce seminal fluid. Combination of sperm and seminal fluid = semen Penis- adaptation for internal fertilization of the female Semen travels from testes →vas deferens→ urethra→ penis → outside of the body through ejaculation (uncontrolled muscle contractions)
Female Reproductive System 2015 Reproduction -SMP
Female Sexual Development Estrogen is the female reproductive hormone Puberty begins when: Hypothalamus → Pituitary → increased FSH AND LH → GONADS (OVARIES) GONADS → Estrogen and progesterone Estrogen produces female 2ndary sex characteristics (broadening of pelvis, breast development, and are involved in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy).
Female Reproductive Parts Ovaries: Female Reproductive Gland Egg (ova) produced here Also contain follicles: Place where eggs mature Fallopian tubes (Oviduct): Tubes that carry an egg from ovary to uterus Place of fertilization Egg Travel: From the ovaries → fallopian tubes/oviducts → uterus 2015 Reproduction -SMP
Uterus: Mostly muscle implantation and development of the embryo and fetus before birth occurs here Vagina Vagina (or birth canal) entry point for sperm from the male and exit tube for the baby when it is born 2015 Reproduction -SMP