Surgical Training in Europe European Board of Surgery Core surgical curriculum for Basic Exam (after 2 years of training)
European Board of Surgery UEMS Statutes: XI.3 Standing Committee on Quality Management in Specialist Practice Its aim is to ensure high standards and guidelines of quality of care provided to patients, and to determine the fitness of European medical specialists’ working environments. Its functions are the harmonisation of quality management standards and guidelines; their implementation; and the certification of medical specialist practice and/or hospitals (clinical practice).
European Board of Surgery 1. EBSQ Specialists of high qualification 2. «Regular» surgeons ?
European Board of Surgery Format Location Timing Lecture (l) National (nat) 1. year 2nd year Course (c) Hospital (hosp) 1. KNOWLEDGE FOR CLINICAL SETTING Pre- and periopertive care Consent l hosp Risk assesment and scoring systems for the surgical patient nat Principles of local and general anesthesia c Hemosthasis, coagulopathy, anticoagulants, blood products, thrombo-embolic prevention
European Board of Surgery Format Location Timing Lecture (l) National (nat) 1. year 2nd year Course (c) Hospital (hosp) Post-operative management and critical care Pain relief l hosp Fluid balance and homeostasis, electrolyte balance Basic life support nat Managment trauma-bay Fracture management, repositioning of luxation Care of the terminally ill patient Principles of organ donation
European Board of Surgery Format Location Timing Lecture (l) National (nat) 1. year 2nd year Course (c) Hospital (hosp) Management of coexisting medical morbidity Cardiovascular (heart failure, arrythmia, angor, acute mediacal infarction) l nat Pulmonary (COPD exacerbation, decompensated asthma, atelectasis, pneumonia, pneumothorax) Digestive (nutrition, post-operative ileus) Neurologic (stroke, transient schemic event, acute confusion, positioning damage, alcohol withdrawal, delirium) Infectious (SSI, antibiotica managment) Urinary (acute renal failure, urinary catheter) Endocrine (diabetes, thyroid, parathyroid)
European Board of Surgery Format Location Timing Lecture (l) National (nat) 1. year 2nd year Course (c) Hospital (hosp) Surgical techniques and technology Use of diathermia, laser and other devices c nat Use of stapling devices, multifunctional tools,.. Principles of day surgery l hosp Diagnostic techniques Principles of diagnostic and interventional radiology, radiation
European Board of Surgery Format Location Timing Lecture (l) National (nat) 1. year 2nd year Course (c) Hospital (hosp) Naming oneself and others Coping with crisis and mortality l nat Time management hosp Principles behind team work
European Board of Surgery Format Location Timing Lecture (l) National (nat) 1. year 2nd year Course (c) Hospital (hosp) Management and legal issues Ethics and medical negligence l nat Legal aspects of prescriptions Research (ethical issues, informed consent,…) Reading and Interpretation of literature nat, hosp Understanding the certification of death and administrative arrangements hosp .......
European Board of Surgery Format Location Timing Lecture (l) National (nat) 1. year 2nd year Course (c) Hospital (hosp) 2. CLINICAL PROCESS Daily workflow l hosp Record keeping, daily notes Conducting a visit with nursing staff Prescription of medications Presenting at MDT meetings Writing / dictating an operative note Certificats, insurrance issues CIRS, morbidity and mortality conference Verbal and written communication with general practitioners ......
European Board of Surgery Format Location Timing Lecture (l) National (nat) 1. year 2nd year Course (c) Hospital (hosp) 3. GENERIC TECHNICAL / OPERATIVE SKILLS Patient positioning and safe handling c hosp Disinfection and draping the patient Suturing in its various forms and materials used, wound closure Wound management Splinting, Plastering nat External fixation Positioning of pleuracath, thoracic drainage Urinary catheter, cystofix Central venous access
European Board of Surgery Format Location Timing Lecture (l) National (nat) 1. year 2nd year Course (c) Hospital (hosp) Operative access (abdomen, thorax, extermities,…….) c hosp Expertise in the surgical discipline of that unit (i.e. understanding the indications for operations performed, not being required to be competent in them idepently) l, c ATLS course ATLS Radioprotective course nat Basic laparoscopic/minimal invasive skills course hosp, nat Simulators nat, company Basic endosonography Vascular anastomosis Intestinal anastomois other anastomosis (urology, hand,…..) .........
European Board of Surgery Discussion