Iam He She it is We You They Are
I am He/ she/it is We/you /they are Am I? Is she? Are you?
Are your parents at home? No, theyre out.
Am I late? No, youre on time.
Whats the time?
Hows your father?
amis was are were
The weather is good today. The weather was good last week.
You are late. (now) You were late yesterday.
Regular Verbs cleanedclean Regular Verbs studiedstudy Irregular Verbs breakbrokenbroke Irregular Verbs write written wrote
I me
we us
he him
she her
they them
You know Ann. Ann knows you.
She knows Anne. Ann knows her.
a/an an before a/e/i/o/u a before the rest of the letters
Hes got a camera.
Do you want an apple or a banana?
We use the
When we mean a thing or person clearly. Can you tell me t tt the time, please?
The same Are these tow books different? No, theyre the same.
We use the with creatures like the sun / the moon / the sky The sky is blue and the sun is shining.
We use the also with government My brother is a soldier. Hes in the army.
I n locations My house is at the end of this street.
In musical instruments Paula is learning to play the piano.
We dont use the in ….
General ideas I like music, especially classical music.
For the games and sports My favourite sports are tennis and skiing.
Do you think English is difficult? For the languages or academic subjects
in at on
in a garden in a car
at her desk at the door
on a shelf on a wall