Politics of Slavery 1850-1860
I. Abolitionism Movement to abolish slavery Frederick Douglass: runaway slave who became abolitionist leader Underground Railroad: network of white abolitionists, free blacks and slaves that helped slaves escape Republican Party was formed by abolitionists
II. Dred Scott Decision A slave sued his owner for freedom because he had lived in a free state. Supreme Court said: Slaves are not citizens, so Scott had no right to sue in court Being in a free territory did not make a slave free Caused Northerners to join Republican party
III. John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry Brown planned a raid on a federal arsenal He wanted to distribute weapons to slaves Action failed. Brown and his men were mostly captured or killed within 36 hours Brown was ultimately hanged
John Brown going to his hanging 1.Why do you think they made his hanging public? 2.How would you describe the African American woman's emotion? 3.How has the artist expressed the hopelessness of the situation?
Abraham Lincoln called Brown a “misguided fanatic.” John Brown