Objective: To correctly identify phrases and their effect English 10 Honors day 24 Objective: To correctly identify phrases and their effect
Homework Get out your paragraph from last class. Take 3 minutes to share with someone else in the room to make sure your explanation makes logical sense.
Practice Complete the first 10 sentences on the worksheets for participles, infinitives, and gerunds. Complete the worksheet labeled “Unit 3 Review.” This will be for a grade!
New Notes Take out your notes from last class so we can add to them. We will use the back of same sheet of paper.
Prepositional Phrases Prepositions show the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word Act as ADJECTIVES or ADVERBS Add precision/clarity and help combine sentence There is an egg in the nest. Zeb dreams about leaving for Seattle.
Appositive Phrases Appositives rename or identify another noun or pronoun Act as NOUNS Add precision/clarity and help combine sentence My best friends, Meredith and Emily, say that they are going to New Orleans, my favorite city.
Parenthetical Phrases Parenthetical phrases are editorial – or unnecessary– comments Place commas around parenthetical phrases Help to add voice The headmistress had been, I suppose, a very mean lady.
Worksheets Complete the worksheets over appositives and prepositions.
Consider all of the syntactical elements we have discussed and answer the following question. How is the author using syntax in the last two paragraphs on page 25 to convey a personal voice and reflective/pensive tone?