The growth of the Nazi Party LO: To understand the impact of the Wall Street Crash on the Growth of Nazi Support To assess the reasons for the growth of Nazi support 1929-32 To evaluate how effective Nazi propaganda was until 1932
The Rise of Nazis 1929-32 Using pages 34-39 to answer the following points: Who supports the Nazi Party and why (link to specific policies)? (pp. 38-39) How do they capitalise on the Wall Street Crash? (pp.34-36 – only need a couple of sentences in summary) Why don’t people vote for alternative parties? (p.35) What other factors help them gain support? (p.36) What is the importance of propaganda? (p.37)
Propaganda Task Study the images underneath and in groups assess how they persuade people to vote for the Nazi Party. You will work in groups and present your findings to the rest of the class.
From the July 1932 Reichstag election. The text translates as: “Over 300 National Socialists died for you — murdered by Marxist subhumanity!!! For work and food vote Adolf Hitler List 2.” The reference is to Nazis killed during the political battles on the streets and in political meetings. The Christian imagery is clear.
From the July 1932 Reichstag election. The text translates as: “We women vote for List 2: the National Socialists.”
This poster comes from the November 1932 Reichstag election. The text: “Free the soil. Farmers vote for Adolf Hitler List 1.”
Our last hope Adolf Hitler
A poster for the July 1932 Reichstag election A poster for the July 1932 Reichstag election. The caption says: “The workers have awakened!” Various other parties are trying to persuade the worker to side with them, without success. The small man in the centre with the red hat represents the Marxists (note the Jew whispering in his ear). His piece of paper says: “Nazi barons! Emergency decrees. Lies and slanders. The big-wigs are living high on the hog, the people are wretched.”
From the July 1932 Reichstag election From the July 1932 Reichstag election. The poster shows a Nazi pile driver hitting the party’s opponents. The gentlemen in black represents the Catholic Center Party, the one to the right the Marxist parties. The poster suggests the two are tied together in an unholy alliance against National Socialism.
We are for Adolf Hitler
Describe the ways in which the Nazi Party grew in the year 1928-32 Describe the ways in which the Nazi Party grew in the year 1928-32. (9 marks)
Homework Explain why the Nazis increased their share of the vote from 3% in December 1924 to 37% in July 1932? Remember to prioritise the importance of the reasons.