London Council - P3 Community LifeChange Spotlight on Employment – 24th September 2018 Facilitator: Bola Sobowale Created by: Rebecca Onibon
FUNDING STREAM This is London Council (LC) Boroughs Funding. Provision of Access to employment programme for both Active and Non-active job seekers. To improve employability and skills of the unemployed and the economically inactive people.
PROJECT ACTIVITIES Provision of the following: Engagement, IAG and Referral. (IA)/Diagnostic, Training, Soft-Skills, Employer Focus Training, Work-Placement, Volunteering, Jobs and Sustained Jobs.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 16-18 NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) are not eligible for Poverty Programme All participants must be aged 19 or over.
EQUALITY TARGET GROUP Poverty Programme Target Group LC/ESF Equality Target Groups (Starters) Women. People with disabilities or health conditions. People with disabilities or heath conditions are self declared. Ethnic Minority. People aged 50+. Lone Parents. Poverty Programme Target Group Women facing barriers to employment. Long-term work limiting health conditions. Ethnic Minority groups with low labour market participation rate. Homeless people. Recovering from drug and or alcohol addiction or misuse. Mental health needs.
PROJECT OUTPUT Local Authority Boroughs Lewisham Greenwich Southwark Bromley Bexley
Project Partners Bexley Resource Centre Successful Mums Train 2 Work CentrePoint Royal Mencap Plus other Grassroot Referrals Strategic Partners – JCP/HA etc