IRTAD GROUP ON TRAFFIC SAFETY DATA AND ANALYSIS ITF Transport Statistics Working Group 25 april 2018
The IRTAD Group The IRTAD database The IRTAD annual report IRTAD research reports Outreach activities
IRTAD: the International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group Chair: Prof. Fred Wegman Permanent working group under the umbrella of ITF and OECD Network of experts, representing key road safety stakeholders Mission Networking for road safety professionals World standard road safety database Data analysis
IRTAD 80 members or observers from 40 countries The database includes validated data from 32 countries IRTAD-LAC 4
Wide variety of Members: Administration, research organisations, NGOs, International organisation, industry, etc… Open to all countries Main outputs Forum of exchange – 2 meetings / year. 1 conference / 3-4 years Annual report Research and analysis Database Outreach activities
The IRTAD Database National aggregated data on traffic and road safety Currenly includes 32 countries (validated data) Data from 3 countries currently under review Progressively include more countries while keeping a high priority on data quality The IRTAD database is a tool for: Safety performance monitoring International benchmarking The expert network behing the database is as important as the data themselves (understanding methodologies, data collection, defintions, limitatons of the data, underreporting issues, etc.)
Content of the IRTAD database Crash data: fatalities, injury crashes, hospitalised, injuries By road type (motorways, urban roads, rural roads) By road user (pedestrians, cyclists, car occupants, PTWs, others) By age By gender By seat position in the car Exposure data: Vehicle –kilometres Modal split Vehicle fleet, by type of vehicles Population Driving licences Other safety data Seatbelt wearing rates Helmet wearing rates Review of the content – ongoing SPIs Review of user categroy : ebikes ? Trucks ?
The IRTAD Annual Reports 2018 summary report will be released in Leipzig. Will be completed by 40 country reports 2017 is available on line
Evolution in road deaths – 2010-16
Evolution in road deaths (32 countries) Provisional data for 2017 are encouraging. Fatalities decreased in 21/30 countries
IRTAD Research: Alcohol related casualties in official crash statistics Based on official statistics from the 45 countries surveyed, an average share of 21.8% of fatal crashes are alcohol related. Great variations, ranging between 5% and 35%. The real number of alcohol-related road casualties is higher. Official statistics tend to underreport alcohol-related crashes and casualties, only based on police data Better insight is need to adequately assess the extent of the problem of alcohol and design and implement appropriate responses.
IRTAD Research – Speed and crash risks Aim:document the relationship between vehicle speed and crash risks. Based on: Literature review Case studies from 10 countries: changes in speed limits or wide scale introduction of automated speed control Speed has a direct influence on crash occurrence and severity This relationship has been captured in various models, most notably Nilsson’s “Power Model”. : a 1% increase in average speed results a 4% increase in fatal crash frequency. The cases confirmed the power model
Speed and crash risk: Recommendations Reduce the speed on roads as well as speed differences between vehicles Set speed limits based on the Safe System principles Implement compensation measures where speed limits are increased Automatic speed control has proven its effectiveness in reducing speed To be published in the coming days
Outreach activities Co-operation with OISEVI, the Ibero American Road Safety Observatory IRTAD LAC database ITF/World Bank / FIA agreement on regional Observatories Africa Twinning projects and data review missions
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