Assistant Head of Technology WJEC LEVEL 1/2 AWARDS IN PLANNING AND MAINTAINING THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT Mrs C. Bollans Head of Technology Mr C Barker Assistant Head of Technology
This qualification will enable learners to learn in such a way that they develop: • Skills required for independent learning and development. • A range of generic and transferable skills. • The ability to solve problems. • The skills of project based research, development and presentation. • The fundamental ability to work alongside other professionals, in a professional environment. • The ability to apply learning in vocational contexts.
Course outline: WJEC Level 1/2 Awards in Planning and Maintaining the Built Environment: Year 9: An introduction to construction and the built environment – skills development. Year 10: Maintaining the built environment - Internal assessment. Year 11: Adding value to the built environment - External assessment. Year 11: Sustainable built environments - Internal assessment.
Year 9: An introduction to construction and the built environment In this year the learners will be introduced to construction and the built environment. The learners will complete a range of writing and drawing tasks. The learners will also develop their practical skills to prepare them for the year 10/11 coursework. This will include: Designing and making a scale model of a timber framed building. Making a side table with a tiled worktop. Technical drawing.
Year 10: Maintaining the built environment – 50% The purpose of this unit is for learners to plan, carry out and report on the maintenance of built environments. The learning outcomes are: Know causes of defects in built environments. Understand relationship between maintenance and protection of the built environment. Be able to repair defects to the built environment. Be able to report on maintenance activities. In this unit the learners will also complete three practical activities: Brickwork – build a wall. Carpentry and joinery – window frame. Painting and decoration – decorating and wallpapering.
Year 10: Maintaining the built environment
Year 11: Adding value to the built environment – 25%. The purpose of this unit is for learners to recommend how the value of built environments can be improved. The learning outcomes are: Know the built environment of different areas. Understand how the built environment affects its value. Recommend ways of adding value to built environments. WJEC provide a set assignment each academic year. 6 hour timed, supervised assessment which takes place within three weeks of May 1st. Each assessment will cover all learning outcomes for the unit.
Year 11: Sustainable built environments – 25%. Through this unit learners will be able to use their knowledge and understanding of the value of built environments and how they are maintained to research community views regarding options for sustainable development. The learning outcomes are: Understand construction practice used to contribute to sustainability in the built environment. Understand issues related to sustainable development. Be able to research community perceptions of sustainable options for the built environment.
Assessment: Unit achievement is based on a learner’s ability to meet the assessment criteria. Units can be awarded a summative grade of Level 1 Pass, Level 2 Pass, Level 2 Merit or Level 2 Distinction. To be awarded a grade for a unit, a learner must meet all of the minimum requirements of all assessment criteria for the unit, as set out in the Level 1 Pass to Level 2 Distinction performance bands. The qualification grade is awarded on the basis of the aggregation of unit grades achieved. Learners who achieve the minimum Unit Marks will be awarded a grade for the qualification.
Educational visit: In Year 10 Summer term, students go to the BRE Centre, Watford. Using the specialist buildings and laboratories located on their site in Garston, near Watford they are able to host half day educational visits which support the delivery of the National Curriculum and the Construction and Built Environment Diploma.
Where next? This qualification could provide the learner with opportunities to access a range of qualifications including apprenticeships, vocationally related and occupational qualifications. Many of the Year 11s have weekend jobs as labourers; arranged work experience with construction companies; are going to Prospects/ Thurrock college next year to continue skills in brick laying, decorating, and carpentry.
Why select construction? Practical skills Work related learning Mostly assignment based Want to do something different Want to learn more about the Industry.