Social Media and Security: A look at whats happening on campus Bev Erickson Online Community Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

Social Media and Security: A look at whats happening on campus Bev Erickson Online Community Manager

SO - who are we dealing with? Understanding the student population

Millennials – Generation Y O Are the most educated generation O Lives are heavily impacted by technology O Grown up digital O The most connected generation

O 90+% carry cell phones O 90% use the internet O 83% sleep with their cell phone next to them O 80% carry a phone for security O 75% have a social networking profile O 48% visit a social networking site several times a day What else?

O 41% do not have a landline O 20% post videos of themselves online O They text five times more than adults, and… O 47% can text with their eyes closed!

Fast facts on social media O Facebook: 1.2 billion users O Twitter: 500 million users O YouTube: 1 billion users O WhatsApp: 300 million users O 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute!

Our students are connected and they want information fast!

The Bad... Online bullying Sexual harassment Identity theft Ability to gather information - birthdate, mothers maiden name (search pictures, mother appears tagged with maiden name) etc. General info gathering for sinister reasons. Ill give up some personal information if I get something in return Many dangers for our students themselves

Saying things they shouldnt that could put them into risky situations

Dangers for our staff too Staff posting things about the university

The legal Implications Anything posted to the internet is a legal document You can never take back a post Post can be deleted but they are never gone! Some insurance companies use Facebook evidence Growing trend in education to use social media to investigate No more need for testimonials, just the posts in the news feed

The Ugly... Theres another trend:

declaring love explicit sexual information personal circumstances SECURITY BREECHES!

The Good... parking updates weather alerts road closures fires stolen cars suspected criminals info How can we put these channels to good use in terms of campus security?

Identify the kind of message we are sending: Emergency Informational Awareness campaign Social media may be a great way to get the message out, but more importantly it is the BEST way to create discussion after initial information. Two way communication! Information void can lead to speculation and misinformation.

Not all doom and gloom!

Work together Use the channels and platforms we have access to EDUCATE our students and staff how to use the channels appropriately Spread the good news with the bad! What should we be doing?

Any questions?