…. Partnering with Industry Canada First Nations SchoolNet Effective Use of Broadband in First Nation Classrooms …. Partnering with Industry Canada First Nations SchoolNet The Role of Ontario’s Regional Management Organization Brian Beaton K-Net Coordinator brian.beaton@knet.ca Presentation to Nishnawbe Aski Nation Education Conference December 6, 2005 – Thunder Bay, ON
133 First Nations across Ontario 87 First Nations with K-12 schools 184 K-to-12 FN learning environments Video conferencing bridge available with over 80 different K-12 sites connected Webstreaming, archiving, web conferencing services available for online communication
Regional Management Organizations’ First Nation Networks
Contact Information Go out into the world today and love the people you meet. Let your presence light new light in the hearts of people. - Mother Teresa Brian Beaton K-Net / RMO Coordinator Keewaytinook Okimakanak tel: 877-737-KNET (5638) ext 51251 fax: 807-737-1720 E-mail: brian.beaton@knet.ca web site: http://knet.ca and http://firstnationschools.ca