Business Communication Presentation
Group Information Group- 5 Members: Muhammad Najmul Hassan 1030293530 Md. Ibna Morsalin 1320708030 Fuad Bin Saif 1411722630 Md. Riyad Rahman 1130732030 Md. Amran Hossain 1230783030 Md. Faysal Ibn Idrish 1310608630 Faria Ishrat 1320744030
Introduction Communication in business existed from primitive period Communication is a fundamental factor in business It increases efficiency
Company Overview Launched in 2007 Changed itself to Brand Root Ltd in 2014. Initially known as FGS Went through a struggle before forming brand root Looking to expand production line Knit denim and indigo are the exceptional products
Purpose Statement Our purpose statement of this report is- “To assess Brand Root Ltd.s various business communication processes and methods”. And “To review Brand Root Ltd.s both internal and external communication problems between stakeholders”.
Internal Communication Procedure
Communication Methods Job Description Initial communication tool with employees. List of employees task, responsibilities etc. Bank Statement Record of balance, financial transactions within organizations and with creditors. Formal Meeting/ Discussion Discuss/ make company strategy, various decisions, steps, major changes Meeting- Employees opinions, suggestions on topics, demands are issued.
Communication Methods Cntd. Official Telephone Calls To make sales, take orders. Actively connects with the factory. Mobile Phones Used for both internal and external purposes. Connects all personnel. Video Conferencing Meetings and communications with foreign stakeholders.
Communication Methods Cntd. Written Notice About new changes, rules, structures. Internal Notes Place orders for suppliers. Company Report Major tool of communication with stakeholders. Illustrates financial situation and helps to make decisions Helps to make strategies for improvement and detect and solve the problem
Communication Methods Cntd. E- mails Communicates with colleagues, superiors and other clients and staff. Instructions with explanation. Provide or receive feedback. Letter Refusal letter, inquiry letter, acknowledgement letter etc. Notice Board Announcement and reminder of events, news, conference etc.
Communication Methods Cntd. Internal Memoranda Quick response. Reminder of any task, notice or meetings, also provide information. RSVP Used to prioritize stakeholders for any event. Formal Oral Communication Regular standard way of communication. Can connect with every stakeholder, communicates with local partenrs.
Communication Methods Cntd. Social Media Face book page to connect with stakeholders, such as customers, employees etc. Benefits by letting know customer choice and preferences, feedback. New arrivals, offers etc. Informal Communication with Stakeholders Grapevine- Helping to expand business locally as well as internationally as they believe in quality products. Tax- Helps to stay connected with government.
Communication Issues Backwardness/Lack of Knowledge- Too much educated employees & too much illiterate laborers must have a communication gap & this causes misunderstanding. Power Structure- Cultural trend of following power distance creates disparity between the employees and laborers. Misinterpretation- Existence of misrepresentation of statement while communicating internally. Different people interpret messages differently, causing confusion and possibly the dissemination of misinformation as the message moves from person to person.
Communication Issues Contd. Differences in Opinions- The most common problem these days is that of the differences in opinion between people. The need for effective communication usually rise due to the differences in opinions and the variances in perceptions Emotional Barriers- The fear and mistrust that form the roots of any emotional barrier effects and creates communication barriers. It stops a person from communicating effectively with co- workers.
Communication Issues Contd. Lack of Clarity- Sometimes, workers do not understand the exact instruction given by their employers. It creates huge problem for a garments industry if they produce wrong type or quality of product Employees Not Open with Each Other- Because of communication barriers, company terms and policies, Brand Root Ltd. employees do not share information with each other as they feel uncomfortable.
Recommendation Creating an intranet or IM network Preferring written communication Active social media appearance Decentralizing the decision making process
Conclusion As communication is one of the core factor of success in the business world, making it a strength will give Brand Root Limited the advantage. Based on our assessment of communication issues or problems of the company, recommendations have been given.