Figure 3 The adaptive and maladaptive energy matrices Figure 3 | The adaptive and maladaptive energy matrices. a | The adaptive energy matrix represents the evolutionarily positively selected normal or adaptive response to a threat. The brain, immune system and energy storage organs (adipose tissue and skeletal muscles) communicate with each other and induce adaptive responses depending on the prevailing short-term threat. Such adaptive responses are necessary to protect energy stores. b | Short-lived, adaptive responses to threats were not positively selected for use in chronic inflammatory diseases or during ageing, so prolonged use of these responses falls outside of adaptive norms. Chronic application of these responses transforms the adaptive energy matrix into the maladaptive energy matrix, leading to disease and premature death. Central to the health problems caused by the maladaptive energy matrix is a loss of physical and mental activity in an individual. Straub, R. H. (2017) The brain and immune system prompt energy shortage in chronic inflammation and ageing Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. doi:10.1038/nrrheum.2017.172