Research at Open Systems Lab IIIT Bangalore
Broad Areas Co-occurrence analyses Multi-agent approaches for (database related) optimization
Co-occurrence Analyses Using models of semantic memory from cognitive psychology to extract latent semantics in document collections Graphs depicting higher-order inferences Co-occurrence (labeled) graph Document corpus
Co-occurrence graph Captures pair-wise co-occurrences across different typed entities Entity types Nouns (Person, Institution, Place, Country, etc.) Tags URLs Phrases
Higher-order inferences Topic anchors Topic markers Synonymy Semantic siblings Topic induction
Higher-order inferences Co-citations as URL co-occurrences Contrasting co-citation patterns between Web pages and Wikipedia Co-citation as hyperlink endorsements Co-citation as knowledge aggregation Co-citation as conditional probability of topical relevance
Dataset Co-occurrence graph built from a complete Wikipedia dump Co-citation graph built from a crawl of over 10 million pages and over 85 million hyperlinks
Some results Topical anchor experiments
Some results: web co-citation graph
Some results: endorsed hyperlink graph
Some questions Innate macro characteristics of co-occurrence graphs Concept formation from instances of co-occurrences Multipartite clustering
Multi-agent optimization Query optimization in stream grids Distributed index design under arbitrary constraints (churn, load, symmetry, etc.)
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