Table A: Domestic Extraction Metal Ores and Non-Metallic Minerals
Metal Ore Extraction conversion from reported metal content to gross ore often necessary Eurostat MFA Workshop | Sept. 2nd and 3rd, 2009 | 2
Terminology Overview Description of the material Common terminology MFA terminology materials removed to get access to reserve, i.e. metal containing ores overburden, interburden unused extraction the metal containing material run of mine, gross ore, crude ore used extraction the pure metal net ore or metal content metal component of used extraction, not specifically reported in the MFA in the indicators, but reported in the MFA questionnaire ! “Concentrate” refers to refined ore, not to the pure metal. Eurostat MFA Workshop | Sept. 2nd and 3rd, 2009 | 3
Gross Ore Calculation Enclosing Rock Gross Ore = Metal Content [t] Ore Grade [%] Copper Metal Copper Metal Enclosing Rock Eurostat MFA Workshop | Sept. 2nd and 3rd, 2009 | 5
Total Metal Content [t] Coupled Production Copper-Zinc-Lead (Cu-Zn-Pb) Copper Content: 1% Zinc Content: 5% Lead Content: 8% Copper Metal Zinc Metal Lead Metal Step 1) Gross Ore = Total Metal Content [t] Total Ore Grade [%] Eurostat MFA Workshop | Sept. 2nd and 3rd, 2009 | 6
Coupled Production: Calculation Procedure Calculation of Total Gross Ore Allocation of Gross Ore Fractions to Individual Metals In Our Example: Copper Content: 1% Zinc Content: 5% Lead Content: 8% 7% Allocated to Copper Total Ore Grade = 14% 36% Allocated to Zinc 57% Allocated to Lead Eurostat MFA Workshop | Sept. 2nd and 3rd, 2009 | 7
Extraction of Non-Metallic Minerals some conversion from volume to mass necessary average factors included in Compilation Guidelines estimation and/or cross-checks often necessary Eurostat MFA Workshop | Sept. 2nd and 3rd, 2009 | 8
Limestone Low-Value Construction Mineral ( ~ 10 €/t) Mainly Used in Cement Production Often Underreported Cross-Check Via Cement Production limestone for cement production [t] = cement production [t] * 1.19 [t/t] Data Source: PRODCOM Comparison Between Estimated and Reported Figure Eurostat MFA Workshop | Sept. 2nd and 3rd, 2009 | 9
Clay: Cross-Check for Reported Common Clays Common clay required for the production of: lug bricks (2.2 t/m3) roof bricks (1.05 t/t) ceiling bricks (2.2 t/m3) Eurostat MFA Workshop | Sept. 2nd and 3rd, 2009 | 10
Sand and Gravel Sand and Gravel for Construction Often Underestimated Indication: <1t/cap Uses: Concrete Production, Road Construction Two-Step Estimation Procedure: 1. Concrete Production or Cement Consumption for Concrete Production 2. Road Construction Eurostat MFA Workshop | Sept. 2nd and 3rd, 2009 | 11
1a) Sand and Gravel: Concrete Production Concrete contains both sand and gravel: Gravel: 41% Sand: 26% Sand and gravel input [t] = 0.67 [t/t] * concrete production [t] Source of Data: PRODCOM Concrete Production May exclude concrete produced directly at sites of construction! Eurostat MFA Workshop | Sept. 2nd and 3rd, 2009 | 12
1b) Sand and Gravel: Cement Consumption Concrete contains 67% sand and gravel and 11% cement, i.e. 6.09 times more sand and gravel than cement. Therefore: Sand and gravel input [t] = cement consumption [t] * 6.09 with cement consumption = production + imports – exports Source of Data: PRODCOM (production), COMEXT (trade) Eurostat MFA Workshop | Sept. 2nd and 3rd, 2009 | 13
2) Sand and Gravel: Road Construction Sand and gravel is required for: - specific layers of newly built roads - maintenance of existing roads Data required for calculation: - length of existing and newly constructed roads - sand and gravel [t/km] constructed - sand and gravel [t/km] for maintenance Data Sources: Nat’l Transport/Road Statistics, World Road Statistics Eurostat MFA Workshop | Sept. 2nd and 3rd, 2009 | 14
Calculation Tools