Ian Denning UK Communications and Open Days Manager
CRM Communications case study How CRM is integrated with other communications channels at Coventry University Focus today on the UK undergraduate recruitment market The layered approach to communications at CU End with a few possible changes and improvements Remember - 100% of students who don’t apply can’t enrol (James Steen, HBU)
Layer 1 – printed collaterals Xxxxxxx
Layer 2 – transactional emails from the CRM
And on a mobile…
Layers 3,4 and 5 Layer 3 – face to face events – and the key role of the CRM in them Layer 4 – transactional emails from our admissions system related to the application process (often overlooked) Layer 5 – audience segmented communications in the form of emails to our prospects, offer holders and other stakeholders
The golden thread emails
And on a mobile…
The main benefits of going outside our CRM Better metrics and analytics A B testing becomes possible Better design – now done in the CU design studio – and interactivity Mobile optimised template Better control over timings (and speed) of the sends
Layer 6 - more granular communications At a faculty, school or course level Can often be patchy but should be used to aid conversion and retention Should be tailored to the subject / discipline For example Art & Design send a Digital Magazine, Business and Law use brochure-ware and facebook
What can we do to improve our communications? Are we being lazy in our reliance on email? Are we using the right channels well enough? What about our stealth applicants? Why are we still using print ? Our communications must be distinctive, relevant and authentic. Are portals part of the answer? Pull not push. Is there a GDPR gain here? Beware of overload – for the prospective student making 5 applications and often receiving 5 offers our communications campaigns could hit them 5 times, plus what they will receive from UCAS, SLC etc CRM is an engine and the data it gathers is the fuel but it’s not the whole vehicle - other communications channels remain important.
Thank you