Are your Traffic Signals Ready for Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures? NOCoE Webinar June 15, 2017
Agenda Utah Department of Transportation – Open Source Solution Jamie Mackey, UDOT Beaufort County, South Carolina – Sensys Networks Solution Colin Kinton, Beaufort County Steve Kimble, Sensys Networks City of Danbury, Connecticut – Solution Abdul Barry Mohamed, City of Danbury Craig Anderson, Pima County, AZ – miovision solution Michelle Montagnino, Pima County Erin Skimson, miovision
What is “Every Day Counts”(EDC)? State-based model to identify and rapidly deploy proven but underutilized innovations to: shorten the project delivery process enhance roadway safety reduce congestion improve environmental sustainability EDC Rounds: two year cycles 4th Round (2017-2018) *****Add EDC website in chat pod for audience to access***** EDC is a state-based model to identify and rapidly deploy proven, but underutilized innovations. SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY, REDUCE CONGESTION , BETTER FASTER SMARTER In developing the EDC initiative, the FHWA recognized that State DOTs serve as innovation leaders for their States and, by partnering with local agencies and industry stakeholders, they play a pivotal role in innovation deployment. As such, EDC is a state-based model whereby States select the innovations which best fit the unique needs of the highway community with the State and then work to quickly put those innovations into practice. Each State now has a State Transportation Innovation Council – See Link Congress has recognized the effectiveness of EDC and has included EDC by name in the FAST Act. EDC Rounds: two year cycles: FHWA works with state and local transportation agencies and industry stakeholders to identify a new collection of innovations to champion every two years. Initiating 4th Round (2017-2018) - 11 innovations: For each EDC Round, innovations are selected collaboratively by stakeholders, taking into consideration market readiness, impacts, benefits and ease of adoption of the innovation. Once innovations are selected, regional summits are held prior to the start of each Round to discuss which are the best fit for each stakeholder. Fact sheets for the 11 innovations of EDC-4 will be posted to the EDC website prior to the upcoming regional summits. FAST Act, Sec.1444
EDC-1 Adaptive Signal Control Technology 1991-2009 Turner-Fairbank developed and demonstrated four ASCT approaches for dynamically updating signal timing. Over 40 deployments of ASCT Nationally with 40% of those deactivated within 3 years. 2010–2012 Dramatic increase in deployment of ASCT, multiple products now available in the marketplace; 192% increase in deployment. 1991 - 2009 2010 - 2012 HRDO began a research effort over 20 years ago to develop Adaptive Control Software (ACS) These technologies use sensors to interpret characteristics of traffic approaching a signal and adapt signal timings accordingly in order to optimize their performance HRDO conducted foundational research by developing five and testing three algorithms for adaptive signal timing HRDO also developed ACS-Lite, which offers a low-cost system for small and medium sized communities Developed in partnership with Siemens, Purdue University, and University of Arizona This software is now available from vendors such as Econolite, McCain and Siemens The City of Taylor, TX deployed ACS-Lite to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion and found the following benefits (2007-2008) Travel Time – 22% reduction Delay – 49% reduction Stops – 50% reduction Annualized Benefit to Users - $1.6M Based on an average hourly unit cost of $12.10/hr and a cost per stop of $0.014 applied to the average number of vehicles traveling the corridor during AM and PM peak periods In response to the positive results from the foundational research conducted at HRDO, FHWA made adaptive signal control part of its Everyday Counts Initiative to expand the deployment of innovative transportation processes and technologies across the country KEY MESSAGE: The R&D we do sets the trajectory for what FHWA decides to bring to state and local DOTs across the country
EDC-4 More Information and Support Every Day Counts ATSPM & Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) Program To view a webinar about ATSPMs, the basics To request a workshop in your State/Region FHWA Open Source Application Development Portal Key Message: We need the initial level of coordination to set goals for implementation We have #s of SHRP2 and AASHTO Aii and can project goals for involved states If your state has a member of the Primary Target Audience – We will be reaching Out to you SHRP2 Reliability with Arterial Focus Demonstrated interest in ATSPM The Secondary Target Audience is a Wild Card This technology has application to virtually every traffic signal, the value added by the technology is a function of agency capability The Third Tier of the Target Audience must be evaluated using a assessment. Traffic Signal Capability Maturity Framework 2017 Traffic Signal Benchmarking Report Source: FHWA
Disclaimer The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufactures' names that appear during the course of the webinar appear because they are considers essential to the objective of the webinar. They are included for informational purposes only and are not intended to reflect a preference, approval, or endorsement of any one product or entity.
Questions and Discussion Forum National Operations Center of Excellence – Traffic Signals Email: Jamie Mackey, UDOT - Colin Kinton, Beaufort County - Steve Kimble, Sensys Networks - Abdul Barry Mohamed, City of Danbury - Craig Anderson, - Michelle Montagnino, Pima County - Erin Skimson, miovision - Eddie Curtis, FHWA -