Globalisation and the digital world 6 week unit
Quite a small unit – 35 marks of the 300 across the A level Component 1 - Culture and identity and youth culture – 90 marks, 90 minutes Component 2 - Research methods and inequality– 105 marks, 135 minutes Component 3 - Globalisation and Crime and Deviance– 105 marks, 135 minutes 1 = AS – 75 marks 2 - AS
Component 3 Section A – globalisation and the digital world Section A: 35 marks: 45 mins (including reading/ interpreting the source) Section B is Crime and Deviance. 15 minutes in
How digital are we?
20-25 minutes in
Social media in your life Which types of social media do you use? How frequently? Any non users? Quick class chat then introduce task on next slide – 25-30 minutes in. 10 minutes to come with ideas and 10 to share - 20 minutes 50-55 minutes in. End of Lesson Part 1 - Break
In small groups you will take a social media platform and think about its uses, advantages and disadvantages.
Facebook What is it mainly used for? Who uses it (do you think?) Advantages? Disadvantages? For this part think generally but then think gender, age, ethnicity and social class.
Twitter What is it mainly used for? Who uses it (do you think?) Advantages? Disadvantages? For this part think generally but then think gender, age, ethnicity and social class.
Instagram What is it mainly used for? Who uses it (do you think?) Advantages? Disadvantages? For this part think generally but then think gender, age, ethnicity and social class.
Snapchat What is it mainly used for? Who uses it (do you think?) Advantages? Disadvantages? For this part think generally but then think gender, age, ethnicity and social class.
WhatsApp What is it mainly used for? Who uses it (do you think?) Advantages? Disadvantages? For this part think generally but then think gender, age, ethnicity and social class.
Evaluating social media Share your findings 10 minutes to come with ideas and 10 to share - 20 minutes 50-55 minutes in. End of Lesson Part 1 - Break
Social networking in real life? Jena Kingsley 5 minutes.
Are we typical? – a one hour research task Design and carry out a research project on the ways and frequency that your peers use your social media platform (or not). Focus on what they use it for, how often, social relationships. Carefully, choose a research method and think about why you have picked this method (consider the strengths and weaknesses). Consider the size and nature of your sample. Once you have carried out your research, analyse your results and write them up. Consider the variables of class and gender, how might these impact upon the use of your social media? Reflect on your research. How effective was your method in finding out what you wanted to know? What does your study tell you about the impact of social media on people’s social relationships? What do your results suggest about the impact of globalisation on social relationships? In your write up make sure that you use the following concepts: Globalisation Validity Reliability Representativeness Sampling Practical Ethical Theoretical Social Relationships Interpretivism Positivism 20 minutes to design. 20 minutes to find people and get answers 20 minutes to write up results 10 minutes feedback – focus in on Q6 and 7.
Thinking sociologically… What would the sociologists say? Take a card and think about what your perspective would say are the pluses and negatives about social media? This is new ground so we make assumptions in some cases. 5 minutes to come with ideas – 2 minutes per group quick feedback. – 15 minutes total.
Functionalist/New Right Traditional Organic Functions of people and institutions Impact relationships
Marxist Control Exploitation Revolution Freedom Bourgeoise/proletariat
Feminist Control Freedom Protest Abuse Solidarity Patriarchy
Postmodernist Choice Fragmented identities globalisation Happy PMs Sad PMs
Interactionist Interactions between groups and people Choice Individual labels
Evaluating social media Share your findings 10 minutes total
Recent and ongoing studies Analysis of recent articles which small groups feedback to whole room. Into three groups – read and analyse the article in your group and create a short presentation on its views for your classmates. Can you think if these ideas fit into any perspectives? 20 minutes to read and prepare quick presentation Photocopy from source materials: The impact of digital technology of the social lives of youths The impact of social media on children, adolescents and families: O’Keefe and Clarke-Pearson (2011) The impact of the Internet on society: A Global perspective – Manuel Castells (2015)
Future learn In the next two hours you will register and work on a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) called “Why we post?” It is based on the research by Danny Miller of UCL and it is at the forefront of current research in the area. The course is 15 hours long and is both your independent work and your summer work. You need to have completed 3 weeks of the course (9-10 hours) and each of practical tasks at the end of each weeks tasks by the time you return in mid September, and the rest of the course by the end of September. Clearly the more you do this summer the easier it will be. The practical tasks - which you must be able to show me in written or printed out form - and a few easy spot tests will be your proof of doing the course. You can move through the tasks and weeks at any speed but the chat options only open when the new week starts.
Timings P1 – Slides 1-16 P2 - Slide 17-18 P3 Last 10 minutes of 18 then slides 19-25 – 15 minutes. Articles review and presentations 30 minutes total.