Using Green Screen & Screen Casts


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Presentation transcript:

Using Green Screen & Screen Casts

Green Screen Applications Doink-Ipad App Filmora-PC computer-Needs to be downloaded by county-free 513.A_SpIrRYT2i7ExcCxiQbDw.1&gclid=CjwKCAiA78XTBRBiEiwAGv7EKptn1LqYP6Z ZJY0d9QwF5rdEinv_W72qjkDg_kdvVkV2xyuwKz0qlRoCPD4QAvD_BwE&utm_referrer

Screencast-o-matic http://help.screencast-o- Examples: ?v=0JKEWly6aPs ch?v=xt7P3sSr8zQ

How to save photos and videos Videos-(Windows Computers) Find the picture you want to save If you are in google images, click on “view Image” to put the picture in a separate window. Otherwise, the picture will be blurry Rightclick, save as, and save to photos as a .jpeg, or .png Add to your Edmodo backpack Find the video you want to save and copy the URL Go to this website and paste the link into the box Choose MP4 and click on download. The video will be downloaded in the bottom left corner. Open it and save. You can edit this video using windows movie maker. Search for it in the bottom left window of your computer

Screencast-o-matic The program should be loaded on the laptops. Click on the windows icon in the bottom right corner and scroll down to find the program.  If the program is not there, type "software center" into the search box on the bottom of  your screen next to the window.  Type "Screencast-o-matic" into the search box inside the software center and click download. 

Two Content Layout with SmartArt Add your first bullet point here Add your second bullet point here Add your third bullet point here Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6

Picture with Caption Layout

Screencast-o-matic http://help.screencast-o- Third bullet point here Group 1 Group 2 Class 1 82 95 Class 2 76 88 Class 3 84 90