Action learning Session Two


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Presentation transcript:

Action learning Session Two

Emerging Leaders Programme: Objectives Deepen understanding of leadership role, the impact of leadership style and how to create a positive work ethos in times of change Develop skills and confidence in having difficult conversations and develop capability and techniques to create empowerment and trust Increase ability to lead, manage and develop people in teams and how to communicate effectively across the business (includes team project working)

Emerging Leaders Programme

The Learning Cycle

By the end of this event you will: Refresh your learning of content from module 2 Discuss actions implemented and share successes Understand how an Action Learning Set operates and using different approaches for peer support Participate effectively in an ALS to address a business challenge

What was covered on module 2 Inattention to Results Avoidance of Accountability Lack of Commitment Fear of Conflict Absence of Trust Maslow High Performing teams

“The end of learning is not knowledge, but action” Actions & Learning “The end of learning is not knowledge, but action” Dr Peter Honey 7

What is an Action Learning Set? An Action Learning Set is a tried and tested forum in which a small number of people commit to work together as a group of peers to coach each other towards concrete actions, which will make a real difference to them/their team/their business. An ALS works best with 5-6 people (to provide ease of communication) who meet regularly, supported initially by an Action Leaning Facilitator to guide and develop the set to use their collective skills and knowledge to work on ‘real challenges’. 8

Features of an Action Learning Set Help an individual (the presenter/issue holder) to address a problem. Might equally be defined as goals, problems, challenges, missions or difficulties Must be OWNED by the individual Must be current and real (though time scales and horizons may vary e.g. “I have a difficult meeting tomorrow” Should not be something that have a clear cut ‘right and wrong’ answer Should be things that can be interpreted and dealt with in any number of different ways Should be summarised using a sentence that starts with “How can I…” Should relate in some way directly to current business strategies May derive equally from leaders’ and personalities/feelings/style

Action Learning Sets – The Process Start-Present your challenge, problem, issue or your question Set member’s question constructively to challenge views, understanding, perceptions, assumptions. Issue holder is coached by set members to facilitate insights and options Issue holder gives feedback to the set on new understanding, ideas on taking action Test out taking action in the workspace Bring results back to set - what worked/didn't? Why? Establish learning, draw conclusions from the experience 10

Structure Contracting Confidentiality, Respect, Understanding Contribute, Listen Gather issues Flip up everyone’s issues in the ‘How can I format’ Agree running order and timings Run the process Use a mix of methods, present issue or challenge, question constructively Review, summarise and select ideas for action! Evaluate. 11

Three Approaches Traditional Gossip Picture 12

The Traditional Method Individual summarises their situation succinctly and explains their goal Each participant asks ‘coaching’ questions to enable the issue holder to clarify their outcome, review in depth their current thinking and hypothetical questions to generate a range of options Issue holder selects the questions or hypotheses that have resonated with them the most Group works with the issue holder to develop possibilities for action by asking questions, challenging and supporting Issue holder restates the issue if necessary Nail down concrete actions and a clear time line Allow approx. 20 min per person

The Gossip Method Individual summarises their situation, telling a story for up to 5mins. The group listens and asks only minimal questions for clarification. The issue holder turns their back on the group and listens The rest of the group ‘gossips’ about the story they have heard Individual summarises their situation by telling a story for up to 5 mins. The group listens and asks only minimal questions for clarification. The issue holder turns their back on the group and listens The rest of the group ‘gossips’ about the story they have heard “I wonder why they chose to do x? Do they realise the impact?”

The ‘I have a Picture’ / Visual sketch Method Individual summarises their situation by telling a story for up to 5 min. The group listens and asks only minimal questions for clarification. Each participant develops a one or two sentence vision or ‘picture’ of how they see the issue holder dealing with their issue The issue holder is encouraged not to react until all visions/pictures have been articulated Issue holder is asked to identify which ‘picture’ resonates with them the most Issue holder reshapes the picture by articulating the action they will take and outlining the time frame Deep listening during their story is critical

Key Skills

Action Learning Sets – The Benefits Offers participants an opportunity for personal development Improves problem solving, as well as questioning and listening skills Helps participants tackle complex tasks Allows participants to learn from each other across the organisation facing similar challenges Encourages self-directed learning

Action Planning – Peer Review Be a sounding board for plans and ideas Help assess challenges/obstacles to determine the best course of action Offer alternative perspectives Help surface and test assumptions and beliefs Listen and ask questions to provide focus Reveal/clarify blind spots Explore options and potential solutions Suggest other resources to go to for help/advice

Next steps Complete the on-line evaluation sent by OD In your workbook: Complete personal learning and learning goals Work collaboratively on your project actions Do pre-work for Module 2 Module 2: Achieving excellence through others: 15th February: 9.15 start