[Title] [Authors] Introduction [Visual Data] Case Presentation [Author Affiliations] Introduction [Visual Data] [ ] Development of a New Practice Model Case Presentation The Pre-Operative Medicine Clinic (PMC) at OHSU is [ ] [ ] in X we embarked… Brief History: [ ] Physical Exam: BP 107/75, HR 69, T 37.6C, RR 16, SpO2 85% on RA, 96% on 2LPM by NC [ ] Previously Reported Cases of [ ] [ ] Author, Year Details Presented with… [ ] Outpatient Medications: [ ] Labs: CMP: [ ] CBC: [ ] Discussion [ ] Imaging: [ ] Differential Diagnosis Take Home Points References [ ] [ ] [ ] Hospital Course Day 1: [ ] Day 2-3: [ ] Day 4: [ ]