Which of the following uses correct punctuation? A I like literacy test prep? B I love literacy test prep! C I love “literacy” test prep. D I love, literacy test, prep.
What does the acronym OSSLT stand for? A Ontario School Students Learn Today B Ontario Senior School Literacy Test C Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test D Ontario Secondary Student Lesson Test
Choose the sentence that uses capitalization correctly. A The MOCK OSSLT will be written by all GRADE 10 students on WEDNESDAY, November 18th, 2015. B The mock osslt will be written by all Grade 10 students on Wednesday, November 18th, 2015. C The mock osslt will be written by all grade 10 students on wednesday, november 18th, 2015. D The mock OSSLT will be written by all Grade 10 students on Wednesday, November 18th, 2015.
Which answer uses the comma correctly? A Saturday, October 31, 2015. B October, Saturday, 31 2015. C Saturday October 31 2015, D October, Saturday, 31, 2015,
OSSLT MULTIPLE CHOICE Multiple Choice questions on OSSLT are more challenging than what you are used to answering as there are different types of questions that require different skills to solve
TIPS TO REMEMBER READ the question CARFULLE! Read ALL ANSWERS first. Cross out the answers you know are WRONG. NEVER LEAVE A QUESTION BLANK! Read each question carefully. Focus on the key words. If the question asks you to choose the sentence with correct capitalization, then that is the only thing you need to worry about. Cross out any answers that have obvious mistakes. Once you have eliminated the obvious incorrect responses you will probably have two choose between two answers. Strategies to choose between the two you have left: If you are asked to pick the correct example, read them over quickly, and if one makes you stumble as you read it, it is probably wrong. If it helps, whisper them out loud … quietly. If you have to pick the example that works best, check to see that all parts are correct. The one that has all parts used correctly should be the correct answer. Remember to feel free to write on the test. You can cross things out, underline, highlight or whatever will help you. DO NOT leave any questions blank! When in doubt, guess the best choice!
READING AND RESPONDING TO GRAPHICAL TEXT A graphical text combines words with graphics or visuals such as pictures, tables, maps, schedules, and graphs. Graphical text shows information with graphics because it requires less space and provides the reader with a lot of information at a glance. Students will be asked to read one graphical text and answer multiple choice questions related to the graphical text. A graphical text combines words with graphics or visuals such as pictures, tables, maps, schedules, and graphs. Graphical text shows information with graphics because it requires less space and provides the reader with a lot of information at a glance. Students will be asked to read one graphical text and answer multiple choice questions related to the graphical text.
Put RED circles around – titles, subtitles, legends, asterisk, captions, years, arrows,
STRATEGY #1 When a question asks about “the meaning of a word” …. Go back to the reading and find it! Highlight it! Underline it! Re-read the sentence plugging in the four possible answers The one that sounds the best, is probably the correct choice!
1. What word is closest in meaning to “exporter” as used in the paragraph below the title? A - investor B - purchaser C - distributor D - manufacturer
A - investor B - purchaser C - distributor D - manufacturer Canada is the world’s leading exporter of softwood lumber, panels, pulp and newsprint, and the third largest exporter of printing and writing paper. Canada’s forest management includes sustainable harvesting of forests, replanting of harvested areas and tracking threats to forests, including damage due to fires.
1. What word is closest in meaning to “exporter” as used in the paragraph below the title? A - investor B - purchaser C - distributor D - manufacturer
STRATEGY #2 When the question asks about a specific part of the graphical text, GO BACK AND LOOK AT IT
1. The arrows in this selection show that the water flows A - through the ponds and out into the river. B - in a complete, closed loop throughout the farm. C - from the fish tanks directly into the aeration pond. D - from the filter tank directly back into the fish tanks. Answer: B
Taken from OSSLT March 2010 – COPY PAGE
1. The arrows in this selection show that the water flows A - through the ponds and out into the river. B - in a complete, closed loop throughout the farm. C - from the fish tanks directly into the aeration pond. D - from the filter tank directly back into the fish tanks. Answer: B
GRAMMAR ( ) Parentheses – more information Some commonly used punctuation: ( ) Parentheses – more information , Comma – when reading take a breath . Period – end of a thought. Take a long pause. * Asterisk – refer to more information
“ ” Quotation Marks – what someone says : Colon – introduces a list … Ellipsis – to indicate missing words Italics – emphasize a word
KEY LANGUAGE ____ Capture ____ Emphasize The following terms are commonly used in multiple choice questions: ____ Capture ____ Emphasize ____ Chronological ____ Indicate ____ Combine ____ Predict ____ Compare ____ Primary ____ Contrast Use the same strategies you would use to answer a multiple choice question. Complete the matching activity.
KEY LANGUAGE - ANSWERS F Capture C Emphasize The following terms are commonly used in multiple choice questions: F Capture C Emphasize D Chronological E Indicate H Combine I Predict B Compare A Primary G Contrast
STRATEGY #3 READ OUT LOUD Pause at each comma
Answer - D
STRATEGY #4 READ OUT LOUD Do what the question tells you
Answer - A
Answer - C
Answer - C