Welcome to Y4.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Y4

The Y4 Curriculum Maths 5 hrs a week English 5 hrs a week & handwriting & Library lesson Focus on books -a range of different genres and texts over the year Emphasis is on developing independent, exciting and well informed writing. Setting - all sets cover same topics as well as spelling rules and grammar – Monday homework Maths 5 hrs a week A variety of mental and written strategies taught Setting but same topics taught across the year and lots of differentiated work and sub groups within sets Homework on Tuesdays

Homework is to take about 30 mins Monday English – due in Wednesday Tuesday Maths – due in Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday English or Topic or Science – due in Monday. Homework is to take about 30 mins

Y4 Curriculum Overview Subject Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Science History Circuits Keeping warm Earth, Sun & Moon Solids & liquids Friction Moving & growing Habitats History Anglo Saxons & Vikings Tudors Children in World War 2 Geography Mapping, Co-ordinates, using atlases Rivers A village in India - Chembakolli Geographical enquiry- litter survey Maps, plans and routes R.E. Death ceremonies Mary mother of Jesus Identity Ritual Flight Temptation I.C.T. Internet safety Word processing Developing Images Branching Databases Art Paul Klee Saxon shoes Rangoli patterns Tudor portraits 3D sculptures D.T. Incorporating circuits into models Structures- Tudor thrones Mechanisms- Moving story books WW2 recipes

History this term Trip to Butser Ancient Hill farm – spinning, wattling, pottery, clunching Viking day – November 14th Workshop day based around visit from a Viking Children will take part in several exciting activities

Avon Tyrrell New Forest residential trip 2018 April 25th– 27th 2018 3 days and 2 nights Children spend 3 days at Avon Tyrrell, an activity centre Children learn about habitats to launch our Science topic Also an opportunity to try outdoor activities More information to follow nearer the date

Later in the year… Hampton Court trip Prepared talks – focusing on Tudors Trip to the planetarium – part of Earth, Sun and Moon topic World War 2 Day - evacuees World War 2 Museum

Routines Morning Evening Snacks If arrive before 8.30am children to go to the Hall. 8.30 – 8.40am play on hard area– musical instruments can be put into the classroom for safe keeping. Children are not allowed to stay in class before school as they will be unsupervised Evening Pick up by tree at 4.30pm Children will be taken to Highwood House if parents are running late Junior Prep in library Half prep finishes at 5.15pm Full prep finishes at 5.45pm Snacks Please ensure snacks are healthy Please ensure any food sent to school is completely NUT FREE Children must bring their own water bottles

In conclusion… Communication Open door policy; please come and see us before or after school if you have any queries or concerns. Reading logs can be used as a method of recording homework and for home school communication. Please see our year group notice board in the cloakroom for updates and notices.

Thank you for coming!