Impacting Public Policy: Role of the SRC NCSRC Fall Training Conference Sunday, October 28, 2018 1:15 – 4 p.m. Long Beach, CA
Training Objectives: To better understand the federally mandated role of the State Rehabilitation Council in relation to impacting public policy To identify and discuss public policy issues facing the public vocational rehabilitation system To learn successful impact strategies that can be used at the state and national level To learn about and share tools and resources
Public policy such as … At the federal level – RSA’s placement in the U.S. Department of Education, Labor or HHS At the federal level – RSA Commissioner to be confirmed by the Senate and appointed by the President or selected at the Department level At the federal level – definition of successful employment outcomes (competitive wages in integrated work settings in the community)
Public Policy such as … At the state level – VR (as the designated state unit) and its placement within the Designated State Agency At the state level – fully matching all available federal funds; use of 3rd Party Agreements At the state level – Order of Selection At the state level – providing Pre-Employment Transition services or contracting for them
How is public policy developed? Discuss the values and principles embedded in the law Discuss the varying perspectives held by members of the SRC, VR, policy makers
Values and principles The public vocational rehabilitation program is based on core values and principles found in the federal law (the Rehabilitation Act). The State Rehabilitation Council is mandated by the Rehabilitation Act; the law outlines the role and responsibilities of SRCs and establishes the expectation that SRCs serve as the collective consumer voice for the VR program.
Principles … Presume youth and adults with disabilities are capable of being employed (for VR: achieving employment outcomes, finding employment in integrated settings) All persons with disabilities, including those with the most significant disabilities, can work in competitive (wage earning), high-quality jobs in integrated settings in the community
Values … Respect for persons with disabilities – pursuit of meaningful careers based on informed choice Respect for inclusion through equal access – promoting a diverse workforce statewide Purposeful collaboration between VR and the SRC; started with an advisory role (1992), moved to policy partner (1998 Amendments).
Mechanisms SRCs use Policy Committee structures Input by the SRC into the State Plan Public comment, public input, public forums Customer satisfaction surveying Statewide comprehensive needs assessments Council members have a two-way role Values and principles clarification
Impact strategies What strategies have you or other SRCs used to impact public policy? What did you learn? What would you do differently or recommend to others?
Tools and resources Values clarification tool Networking with other SRCs and other key partners (state, regional and national levels) Annual Reports and other TA providers IRI 2011: The State Rehabilitation Council – Vocational Rehabilitation Partnership
Closing Final comments and observations Thank you for your active participation! Lynnae M. Ruttledge International Disability Policy Consultant