Agenda November 30 or December 1 Journal Watch Science Revises the Heavens part 1 and 2 As you watch complete the movie guide Discussion HW: Modern Day/New Way of Thinking Essay Journal: Summarize the Causes of Absolute Monarchies, and predict their response to challenges to their authority.
Discussion Explain what Aristotle’s theories were and why they were accepted for so long. Explain how Copernicus’ theory of the heavens invalidated Aristotle, and the implications for common sense observation of nature. Aristotle’s theory was based on common sense, not on mathematics. The new theories of the universe, from Copernicus to Newton, are based on mathematics, but possibly violate common sense. Discuss. Describe the role of the Church toward the new scientific discoveries and theories, and why it took the position it did. Since the Church had not originally condemned Copernicus, discuss why it put Galileo on trial. Did Newton “prove” Copernicus’ theory? Is it possible to prove such a theory?