Digital Technologies Digital technologies can be used to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. Many pupils are used to using digital technologies in many facets of their daily lives.
Digital Learning Framework A Digital Learning Framework aligned with Looking at our School: Trialled in 50 schools in 2017/18.
“….the Digital Learning Framework, will provide clarity for teachers in terms of how they can effectively embed digital technologies into their practice.” (Digital Learning Framework p1) “Underpinned by constructivist principles, the Framework will support high quality education mediated by digital technologies promoting active learner participation and engagement in a wide range of learning activities.” (Digital Learning Framework p1)
Digital Learning Framework Domains
Digital Technologies and Accounting The accounting syllabus states that the accounting course; “…links the accounting process with Information Technology.” (NCCA p.3) “To develop in students an ability to link accounting with relevant computer applications.” (NCCA p.6)
(NCCA p.24)
PDST resources
Forms Available on different platforms Allows you to create a questionnaire online. Could be set up to create a task based on a topic e.g. ratios Gather feedback on student performance in these tasks quickly and efficiently.
E-Portfolio in Accounting Why create an e-portfolio? To facilitate students in capturing and showcasing their learning. To allow the student a space to reflect on their work. A formative assessment tool for teachers. Useful for parent-teacher meetings. There are numerous website builders available.
Video production Video can be a powerful tool for students to use in their own learning. It can allow for reflection while also allowing the teacher to assess a piece of learning.
References Dept. of Education and Skills, Digital Learning Framework for Post-Primary Schools accessed 03/09/2018 NCCA, Leaving Certificate Accounting Syllabus, accessed 03/09/2018