eLSA http://elsa.schule.at Network of 130 Austrian Schools eLearning to promote pupil centered teaching teachers‘ training in eLearning didactics - inpact on didactics in general meetings, conferences, congresses
eLSA - goals Full Coverage (pupils, teachers) Communication among teachers Evaluation and Cooperation Strategy (School program) Leadership Controlling (steering group) Offer of an ICT Certificate
eLSA Certification after three years >
eLSA - certified Public relation for the particular school Promotion for school development Certified schools could be reference schools for inservice-training and teacher training institutions Better financial support
What means eLearning for eLSA cooperative and collaborative learning using Web 2.0 tools and platforms (Moodle, facebook..) experimenting: ipads, game based training, 3D learning environments, Live Online tools... virtual teamteaching projects lessons across classrooms and schools, countries
voXmi http://voxmi.at 15 schools project to promote multilingual and intercultural education inclusion learn from each other integration of ICT networking Teachers Training
Onlinecampus VPH http://www.virtuelle-ph.at/ Virtual Padagocical Univeristy In Service Teachers‘ Training Basics- Onlinecourses Online Seminars on different Topics eLectures - webinars Projects / Innovation Lab nat. / internat. Cooperation inn innovation lab
muito obrigado!