NEW DEAL New Deal Election of 1932 New President New Ideas
NEW DEAL Depression hit hard PHASE ONE First 100 days
15 major pieces of Legislation 3 basic categories of Legislation NEW DEAL March 1933 and June 1933 15 major pieces of Legislation 3 basic categories of Legislation
Relief = to relieve suffering of the needy NEW DEAL Relief = to relieve suffering of the needy Recovery = lay foundation for economic growth Reform = prevent future crisis
Banking concerns Franklin D. Roosevelt Run on banks contributed to depression
“Bank holiday” closed all banks NEW DEAL “Bank holiday” closed all banks
NEW DEAL Emergency Bank Act Treasury Department authorized to inspect all banks
Fireside chats explained why banks were closing NEW DEAL Fireside chats explained why banks were closing
Those deemed solvent reopened Two thirds reopened NEW DEAL Those deemed solvent reopened Two thirds reopened Restored public confidence in banking industry
Glass-Stegal banking act NEW DEAL Glass-Stegal banking act Established Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Insured accounts up to 2,500 dollars
Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA) NEW DEAL Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA) Loans to states to create programs to reduce unemployment
Civilian Conservation Corp Federal Emergency Relief Act NEW DEAL Civilian Conservation Corp Federal Emergency Relief Act Civil Works Administration
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) 1933 put young men to work NEW DEAL Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) 1933 put young men to work
NEW DEAL Ages between 18-28 Forest and parks Popular of all New Deal Temporary employment about 1 year Lasted until 1934
Civil Works Administration (CWA) Temporary program NEW DEAL Civil Works Administration (CWA) Temporary program Get people back to work Winter 1934
4 million had government jobs NEW DEAL 4 million had government jobs Make busy work Severe criticism
SEC (Security and Exchange Commission) Regulated stock market Franklin D. Roosevelt SEC (Security and Exchange Commission) Regulated stock market Took nation off gold standard
Dollar would compete with other currency Franklin D. Roosevelt Dollar would compete with other currency
Agriculture Adjustment Act Franklin D. Roosevelt RECOVERY Agriculture Adjustment Act
Increase farm income by reducing crop growing Franklin D. Roosevelt Increase farm income by reducing crop growing Paid farmers not to grow crops Tax on food processors paid the shortfall
By 1935 farm income raised by 50 percent Franklin D. Roosevelt By 1935 farm income raised by 50 percent However some small and tenant farmers were forced off land
Franklin D. Roosevelt TVA Tennessee Valley Authority Developed area that was eroded
Over cut forests led to uncontrollable flooding of Tennessee River
Rural area void of electricity Series of dams and locks Franklin D. Roosevelt Rural area void of electricity Series of dams and locks Made river navigable Generated electricity for entire rural region
Greatly improved standard of living Franklin D. Roosevelt Greatly improved standard of living Conflict between large utilities and government Ashwander v. TVA (1936)
Franklin D. Roosevelt Supreme Court ruled in favor of government because land to develop TVA was acquired legally
FDR AND THE NEW DEAL Created Public Works Administration (PWA) Building projects including dams and buildings Not as successful business did not trust government
FDR AND THE NEW DEAL National Recovery Act (NIRA) “codes of fair competition” Minimum wage Maximum hours Price fixing controls Collective bargaining
FDR AND THE NEW DEAL NRA was collapsing before it was deemed unconstitutional by Supreme Court
American Liberty League NEW DEAL Critics of the New Deal American Liberty League
NEW DEAL Right of the political spectrum New Deal was “dictatorial” doing too much Far left (not doing enough)
Retirement plan for seniors over 60 $200 a month NEW DEAL Townsend Plan Retirement plan for seniors over 60 $200 a month Workers would retire from work force thus freeing jobs
Must spend the $200 thus pumping money into economy NEW DEAL Must spend the $200 thus pumping money into economy
Rejected by Congress but laid foundation for Social Security Act NEW DEAL Rejected by Congress but laid foundation for Social Security Act
Father Charles Coughlin NEW DEAL Father Charles Coughlin
Proposed nationalization of banks Far right NEW DEAL Radio personality Proposed nationalization of banks Far right
NEW DEAL Huey P Long
Supporter of Roosevelt In 1932 Disillusioned wirh New Deal
Proposed a Share the Wealth Plan NEW DEAL Not doing enough Proposed a Share the Wealth Plan
NEW DEAL Rich would be taxed and everyone in US would receive a payment of 2500 dollars a year
Long’s plan was never implemented or discussed NEW DEAL Long’s plan was never implemented or discussed He was assassinated by his son-in- law
Franklin D. Roosevelt Second New Deal
National Youth Administration 1/3 under 24 were unemployed Gave jobs Franklin D. Roosevelt National Youth Administration 1/3 under 24 were unemployed Gave jobs
Stimulate economy plus giving immediate aid Franklin D. Roosevelt “pump and prime” Stimulate economy plus giving immediate aid
National Labor Relations Act creation of NLRB Franklin D. Roosevelt National Labor Relations Act creation of NLRB Allowed to workers to elect Which union they wanted to join
No discrimination if they joined a union Franklin D. Roosevelt No discrimination if they joined a union
Pension supported by taxes for elderly Small pension for elderly Franklin D. Roosevelt Social Security Pension supported by taxes for elderly Small pension for elderly Unemployment compensation
Health insurance was dropped in a compromise Franklin D. Roosevelt Support for survivors Health insurance Health insurance was dropped in a compromise
Banking Act of 1935 Franklin D. Roosevelt Increased the power of the Federal Reserve Board Federal Housing Authority FHA
Home loans at discounted rates Franklin D. Roosevelt Home loans at discounted rates Increased home ownership to low and middle class
Republicans gained seats in election of 1934 and 1938 Franklin D. Roosevelt Republicans gained seats in election of 1934 and 1938 Challenged New Deal Took many to Supreme Court
New Deal programs were deemed unconstitutional Franklin D. Roosevelt New Deal programs were deemed unconstitutional 1938 Roosevelt suggested to add 4 judges to court and replace all over 70
This would have swayed the court “Court Packing” Franklin D. Roosevelt This would have swayed the court “Court Packing” Proofed to be a mistake for Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt Failed however several judges retired allowing Roosevelt to appoint new judges He got what he wanted
Legacy of the New Deal FDR AND THE NEW DEAL 1. Extension of Federal Power 2. Extension of the Power of the President
4. Federal Social Programs FDR AND THE NEW DEAL 3. Deficit Spending 4. Federal Social Programs
FDR AND THE NEW DEAL 5. Greater Concern for Labor and Workers 6. Conservation Gains 7. Renewal of the faith in Democracy
FDR AND THE NEW DEAL New Deal will influence lives to the present Trouble on the Horizon
New Deal
Nothing to fear but fear itself
Great Depression
New Deal
Banking Holiday
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Securities and exchange Act
Civilian Conservation Corp
Relief Recovery Reform
Glass Steagle Act
Franklin Delano Roosevelt