Ch. 18 – Renewable Energy (7% of U.S. energy consumption)
Renewable vs. Nonrenewable vs. Alternative Energy Conservation – decrease use, tax breaks; variable cost of kWhr Energy Efficiency – Energy Star appliances approved by EPA; light bulbs Sustainable Design – passive solar heating N. Hemisphere- South facing walls Dark roofs Shade trees High Effic. Windows Stone/concrete walls insulation
Wind Denmark- Country pop. 5.5 M; 21% of energy from wind Spain, Germany, Portugal
Hydropower Tidal Energy Hydroelectric Dams – World’s largest is China Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy project (New York) Florida- potential tidal energy?
Geothermal Largest geothermal producers- U.S., China and Iceland
Biomass (potentially renewable) Wood Biofuels – Biodiesel made from algae, filtered fryer oil from restaurants, farming waste Diesel engines can run on three basic types of fuel: petroleum diesel, biodiesel, and straight vegetable oil (SVO). Any diesel engine can run on biodiesel. Biodiesel is a clean-burning fuel made from domestic, renewable plant sources, such as oils from vegetables, peanuts, soy beans, canola/grape seeds, hemp seeds and some grains.
Ethanol/ Methanol- Corn and sugarcane E-85 Flex Fuel Vehicles
Hydrogen Hydrogen fuel cell for cars Storage of H2 gas
Solar Passive vs. Active Solar energy Solar Water heating systems Solar photovoltaic cells
Passive Solar Design
Solar Voltaic cells