Cultivating a College Going Culture Jesse Bethel Law Academy Katrina Rice and Chrystal Johnson
Overview College Culture Quiz College Culture Pillars College Lessons Career Web/Vision Banner Mentor Sessions Mock Admissions Week College Tours Collegiate Curriculum Dual Enrollment Celebrations
College Going Quiz Do the students in your academy know what colleges their teachers attended? Yes, for most of the teachers. Maybe. Not really. I’m not sure if students in my academy know that their teachers went to college.
College Going Quiz Do the students in your academy visit a variety of colleges during their high school career? Yes! We make sure that they visit UCs, CSUs and Private Institutions. Yes, they visit a couple of different colleges. No, they only visit one type of college. Our students don’t take college tours.
College Going Quiz Do the students in your academy have opportunities to take dual-enrollment classes at the local community college? Yes! All of our students have the option of taking their academy elective class at the local college. Students that are interested in taking college classes can sign up for them on their own. None of our students are currently enrolled in dual-enrollment classes. What is dual-enrollment?
Results Mostly As -- You are definitely cultivating a college going culture within your academy! You could easily lead this workshop featuring your academy. Mostly Bs -- You are doing a great job of teaching your students about college! Just a few more steps to truly have a college-going culture within your academy. Mostly Cs -- You have some work to do to move your academy to a college-going culture, but you are on the right track! Mostly Ds -- You came to the right workshop! You will definitely learn some strategies that will help you begin to cultivate a college going culture within your academy.
College-Going Culture Pillars 1 Desire Developing a desire to graduate from high school and go to college. 2 Knowledge Teaching them what they need to know about college and how to get into college. 3 Experiences Creating collegiate experiences that allow the students to see themselves in college.
College-Going Culture Pillars: Desire, Knowledge, Experiences Which of these pillars is the strongest in your academy? Which of these pillars is the weakest?
College Shirt Day (Desire/Knowledge) Every Wednesday Monday is academy t-shirt day Friday is school colors day Students and teachers participate When teachers have on their college shirts, they tend to share college experiences
College Lessons - Career Web (Desire) 10th grade Assignment Career Development
College Lessons - Vision Banner (Desire) 10th grade assignment Goals, Values, Identity Lifelong timeline Dream/Match/Safety Colleges Career Goals (taken from the Career Web)
College Lessons - Benefits of a College Degree (Desire)
College Lessons - Benefits of a College Degree (Desire)
Mentor Sessions (Desire) Juniors Four sessions 1st session - Perspectives on the Legal Profession; Mentor Introductions; What Are Goals; Begin Discussing Goals, Student Interaction 2nd session - Nuts and Bolts of Becoming a Lawyer; The Written Goals: The 1 Year Plan, 3 Year Plan, and 10 Year Plan; College and Career Planning 3rd session - Other Careers in the Law, Resumes 4th session - Interview Skills, Assess Progress; Future Planning/Goals Special Affinity Group Mentor Sessions for all grades Ex. African American Males
College Lessons: Mock Admissions Week (Knowledge) November of their Junior Year Paper application is passed out on Monday, due by 3:00pm on Friday! Common App Brag Sheet Recommender Forms SAT/ACT Registration Ticket 2 Personal Insight Questions
College Tours (Knowledge/Experience) 1-2 tours per year Visit a combination of UCs, CSUs, Private Institutions, Community Colleges 9th -- Stanford 10th -- UC Berkeley, Santa Clara University 11th -- UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz 12 -- Holy Names, CSU East Bay, Solano Community College College tour worksheet Meet with college students that are majoring in the academy theme
Collegiate Curriculum (Experiences) Academic Experiences Inquiry Based Learning Socratic Seminars Mock Trials Debates Research Projects (Capstone) Advocacy Projects Science Labs Claim/Evidence/Reasoning VCUSD Graduate Profile Effective Communicator Skilled Collaborator Critical and Innovative Thinker Responsible Professional Effective User of Digital Media and Technology Global Learner and Contributor
Dual Enrollment for Seniors (Experiences) Fall Semester PLSC - 001: Intro to Political Science Tues/Thurs from 1:00p - 2:15p Study Sessions every Wednesday at school Academy Lead/CTE teacher attends class with the seniors Replaces academy elective and Government Open to all Law Academy students Spring Semester PLSC - 016: American Legal Systems Tues/Thurs from 1:00p - 2:15p Study Sessions before each exam Academy Lead/CTE teacher checks in with professor occasionally Replaces academy elective Open to all Law Academy students that passed PLSC - 001
Other Opportunities (Experiences) Upward Bound/Ser Latino On-campus tutoring College tours and trips Buck Institute Chicano/Latino Youth Leadership Program CloseUp Trip to DC **All opportunities are emailed to all students district email accounts**
Celebrations! Academy honor roll College Acceptance Assembly Senior Dinner Alumni return as guest speakers to speak to current academy students
Questions? Reach out to us! Katrina Rice - Chrystal Johnson -