Please have a seat anywhere Welcome to 7th grade science! Please have a seat anywhere
Classroom Expectations “The teacher has the right to teach and students have the right to learn.”
BE READY TO LEARN Be prepared, on time, and in your seat when the bell rings ID on and visible Follow directions 1st time given Do not overtly refuse to do what is asked Do not disrupt the learning atmosphere in class
BE PREPARED Bring all materials to class for each day. If you need to borrow a pen or paper, do so before class begins. SUPPLIES
Planners Bring Planner to class every day! Part of your participation grade. Leave it out & open to today’s date. Also serves as bathroom/ water pass.
BE RESPECTFUL Follow all class and school rules. Do not talk while I am teaching or giving instructions. Raise your hand to speak. When doing class work, work quietly and mindful of others.
BE RESPECTFUL Use school appropriate language Sit appropriately No gum/candy Keep hands, feet and objects to self Treat equipment and materials carefully ( DO NOT WRITE ON DESKS)
BE RESPONSIBLE Do all your class work and turn it in on time. Be on task Clean after self
BE AN ACHIEVER Do your best in everything. Try your hardest. Aim for success. Get involved and ask questions
Classroom Procedures
How to come into class… Come in quietly and sit down. Take out any materials you need for class and sharpen pencil. Backpacks are on the floor out of the aisle. Turn cell phones off and safely tuck away
How to come into class… Open Planner, write the agenda and homework for the day. Do bell ringer. When finished, read a book or study your notes. During the beginning of class there is no talking.
Sharpening Pencils Hold up your pencil. If I nod or say yes, go to the sharpener. Don’t sharpen while I’m talking! Quickly & quietly go back to your seat. It is not a social tour. Throw trash away at end of class
How to leave class… The bell does not dismiss you, I do. Clean your area When dismissed, push in your chair. Walk out the door.
Pre-AP Re-quiz Missing Work Re-quiz Cheating Make Up Work: Grades Pre-AP Re-quiz If grade below 70 Comprehensive quiz at end of the six weeks Replace one lowest quiz grade Missing Work Check the Missing Work Wall first Complete a Missing Work Form “I didn’t understand” is not acceptable Turn in assignment before progress report/report card Receive up to a 70. If you are turning it in late, it needs to be COMPLETE! Make Up Work: When you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to make up work that you have missed. Cheating Receive a Zero (0) Parent contact Re-quiz If grade is below 70 Highest grade will be 70 Re-quiz before the next quiz Daily/ Homework = 40% Quizzes = 60%
TEXTBOOKS Online textbooks Access will be given soon
LAB PROCEDURES no horseplay. No loud talking (ruler rule). No misuse of lab equipment Clean up lab station after use. Report all accidents and breakage immediately to the teacher. Raise hand and wait for teacher to come to you when you need help.
TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS Pass your papers to the right Last person collect papers and put in basket GETTING YOUR ATTENTION Ring bell Lights Hand clap
Young Junior High Demerit System
Offenses # of Demerits Tardies 1 Dress Code Infractions Class Disruptions Refusing to Follow Directions Disrespect 2 Horseplay Profanity 3 Inappropriate Touching (PDA) Other Unacceptable Behavior Failure to Give Name/ Show ID 4 Skipping Class 5
Demerit Free for the week Demerit Free for the 6 weeks Rewards Demerit Free for the week Name entered into a drawing to receive a prize of their choice from the “Treasure Chest”. Demerit Free for the 6 weeks Attend the “Eagle Extravaganza” Last Thursday of every six weeks during advisory time. Play board games, listen to music, bring hand held games or devices, and have refreshments
Demerit Reset The 1st day after Progress Report (Every 3 Weeks) 3 Punishment Levels Receive at least 20 demerits before the reset you move up to the next punishment level.
3 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Lunch Detention 2 Lunch Detentions Number of Demerits Level 1 Punishments Level 2 Punishments Level 3 Punishments 3 Lunch Detention 2 Lunch Detentions 30 Min After School Detention 5 1 Hour After School Detention 10 30 min After School Detention 1 Day OCS 15 1 hour After School Detention 2 Days OCS 20 1 day OCS 3 Days OCS 25 2 days OCS 4 Days OCS 30 3 days OCS 1 Day Choices 35 4 days OCS 1 Days Choices 2 Days Choices 40 5 days OCS 1 Day HBI
At Teacher Discretion Punishments “Time Out” Parent Notification (phone call, email, etc) 30 Minute Afterschool Detention or Lunch Detention
Immediate Referrals Fighting Weapons Drugs Bullying Using Profanity towards a teacher
About Mrs. Lee
About Mrs. Lee
General Comments I’m here to help you learn. Anytime you need help, please ask. Ask questions politely and at the appropriate time. Remember I am also human and I also make mistakes.
Contact Information This is the fastest way to reach me is at Visit my webpage at Notebooks/ Journals due by Wednesday. Please return the Student Safety Contract and Student Information Sheet by Tuesday, August 26, 2014.
NAME TENT Boldly print your name in the middle Design with 4-5 graphics that represent you Color your tent Turn in at the end of class