Main Scenario Daniel wants to wear his black T-shirt. Daniel wants to know what can he wear with it? He would like to see some options from which he can get inspired.
Secondary Scenario Ruth got up late in the morning, and shes late for class! She needs to decide quickly what to wear. She doesnt know if its rainy or sunny, if its cold or warm, etc. What will she do??
What to wear?? The website stores a database of outfits (pictures uploaded by the users). Each picture will have a description of its content. The user can rate other users outfits. The user can search for outfits according to certain parameters, such as items type, color, style, season, rate etc. The user can also see outfit suggestions according to the weather forecast in his current area.
Home search upload sign up/in picture
Milestones Milestone 1: create a dynamic database of images, enable picture upload (with its description), enable search in the database, enable rating pictures. Milestone 2: open the upload option only to registered users, allow suggestions according to the weather, mark outfits as favorites. Future: tagging a certain item in a picture, enable personal virtual closet, combine the search results with the personal closet, information security.