Rhetorical Analysis Do Now Read “Once More to the Lake” pp. 669 Answer the fifteen rhetorical analysis questions
Save the Last Word What can you talk about? Modes Diction Syntax Literary Devices Why did the author choose that element? How does it support his/her purpose?
How did it go?
Homework Prepare for a Socratic Circle: Re-read “Why I Went to the Woods” pp 578-584 Answer the fifteen Rhetorical Analysis Questions Don’t forget: Read to the end of ACT II (The Crucible) for Friday
Do Now: Notebook What is the purpose of “Why I Went to the Woods?” What confused you about the reading?
CCSS Speaking and Listening 11-12.1.D Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives; Synthesize comments, claims, and evidence made on all sides of an issue Resolve contradictions when possible; Determine what additional information or research is required to deepen the investigation or complete the task.
Socratic Circle 1 What is the rhetorical situation of “Why I Went to the Woods?” POV Purpose Audience Language/Genre Media/Design
Socratic Circle 2 What Rhetorical Elements does Thorough use to achieve his purpose? Mode Diction Syntax Literary Device
Outer Circle Roles Comment Tallyer Text Reference Tallyer Shadower Reporter Silent Contributer
Homework: Pick which text you want to write your essay on. Pick three elements (mode, syntax, diction or literary device) to focus on. Write an introduction using the format for Rhetorical Analysis.
Do Now: Find the tables with your reading on it. Exchange and peer edit your introductory paragraphs with others at your table.
Rhetorical Analysis Essay Answers the questions: What Rhetorical Strategies does the author use to achieve his purpose? How does an audience react to these strategies? How do these reactions help achieve the purpose? Focuses on two to three elements of Rhetoric Mode Diction Syntax Literary Device
Did everyone have the same elements?
Rough structure Introduction w/Rhetorical Situation Body Paragraphs—one per element Conclusion that discusses how this piece meets purpose.
Body Paragraph Transitional Topic Sentence A description of how the element functions in the text An introduced and relevant example A discussion of the impact of the example on the reader An argument for how this element/impact helps the author achieve his purpose.
Example: Label the Parts Transition word/phrase Overall Topic of the Paragraph How the element functions in the text An introduced and relevant example Impact on the reader How the element achieved the author’s purpose
Your turn: Check out some of the frames Begin writing your body paragraphs Homework: Complete three body paragraphs for your essay.
Do Now: Sit with your essay table groups again. Check out the Conclusion frames, and begin writing your three sentence conclusion
Do Now: After Lunch Peer Edit your Essays